Thursday, March 31, 2016

No Story

Well you told your story
sounding so justified,
it had me bleeding
for the other side

There has to be a way,
there has to be a win
where forgiveness counts
and compassion enters in

Stories are as common as desires
and as compelling —
I get caught up in the string of one
and in its telling,
and then I see in me
someone I don’t recognize,
I find I have forgotten
someones eyes . . .

No story, please, to set us each
in our appointed place of right or wrong,
just this, the being here,
the blessing and the song.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 31, 2016

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Not My Battle

This is not my battle,
this is not my battle,
I can let it go

This is not something
I can lose, not by wrong moves,
not by neglect,
this is not something that would benefit
from the weight of my anxiety.
I will not throw my weight around,
even in the privacy
of my own mind

This is something
that is well handled
by something much greater
than my small repertoire
of strategies

This is not my battle.
This is a time for me 
to watch and learn.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 29, 2016

Monday, March 28, 2016

What Holds Your Treasure

What treasures can you hold in your hands
as the dream dissolves
(the dream of your hands,
along with what they hold)
Where is the place you can put
something you have loved so deeply?
What can you bring
into the next place?

What holds your treasure
is more substantial than hands,
more lasting than memory,
more true than time

You’ll find it,
though it may be dispersed,
(so many light points to the reflections
in moving water)
It may take a while
to find its name again,
but its love will leap back to you,
jump into your arms
like it never left.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 28, 2016

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Rain beats down
in interruption of
the fleeting sun,
sun in its brief windows
interrupts the rain,
sleep interrupts thought,
thought interrupts sleep,
anxiety about our course
interrupts excitement

We will smooth it over,
we will fill our moments
with enough learning
that we don’t have time
for gaps of panic,
and the places between the doing
we’ll fill with hope.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 27, 2016

Saturday, March 26, 2016


We stand
startled at the sound
of our voices,
not having heard them
in so long,
lulled and cowed and simply worn down
by the loud drone constantly imposed,
passed off as our own,
asserting its message
of fear and division
all through the day and the night

Now we have spoken
and it’s wonderful how the sound
hums in our throats, in our bones,
how we find we have more to say,
how good it feels when others
resonate, corroborate.
So we stand together,
learning how to hear,
learning to be heard.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 26, 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016

This Way

I walked back today
along the path, in my mind,
where I had come, saw the crags,
the sharp ascents, the bracing view,
a good reminder
(as the way trends downward
into the understory, shaded and close)
that progress has been steady,
that the path rises, after this,
to further heights,
and there will be more views,
more stretches harder 
than I have ever climbed,
more to change me beyond recognition,
and nothing for it
but to keep going.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 25, 2016

Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Page, A Light

Though I have thought myself a figure
(as scribbled on a page)
in fact, I am the page,
and all that’s there
belongs to me —
the scribbles and the story,
and especially
the luminescence rising up behind them
whereby it can be seen that they are there

And though my body
and what I’ve called my mind
have craved to own
just a little more
of that resplendent light,
in fact, the light is me
so I can have it
with no further regimen
of self improvement

Indeed, there is no need
to look to those dark marks
for understanding and acceptance —
I can form them
as part of my expression,
but they don’t form me or contain me

I am so much bigger —
a page to tell the truth,
a light in clear reflection of its source.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 24, 2016 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

What I Remember

I came to this place falling,
dodging the clattering false
dichotomies (strict or permissive,
realistic or lovely)
bearing the angular unhappiness
of life as taught
(so far removed from my longings)
settling for (seeing no choice)
the indifferent acceptance, the
provisional belonging,
taking for granted the gray
gaping loneliness
stretched in long swaths
across my days

No, not this! Not this,
rather, what was there through it all,
the deep hopes (that glinted, often helpless,
behind the machinations),
the quick stolen acts of kindness,
the moments of honest expression
whose light spilled out
over all the darkness
and saved me, really,
time and again. Those were the real gifts,
the ones they intended all along,
the ones we intend, too.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 23, 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


These days,
I’m feeling like a loose tooth —
I bite into my days
with a wobble

Some days I don’t know
what I’ll do to fill them.
Some are so packed with purpose
I have no time
to think of what I’ll do.
I feel fuller after the filled-up days

As for the emptier ones,
the stuff I might pull into them
can feel like dust, like rubble —
things I may have wanted
now having no connection
to the new life
I haven’t quite stepped into.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 22, 2016

Monday, March 21, 2016

These, Too

Not only me,
not only me and you,
not only me and you and all the world
are held in tender love

Not only us,
but all the space between us,
all the ways we touch each other,
all the ways we come together,
all the bright intensities we feel
in contact with each other —
these, too, are held in love

These, too, are citizens
of the Oneness, these, too,
are given what they need
to prosper and to thrive.
They don’t depend on us
to live or fail —
we all can ride 
in the security
of our perfect place.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 21, 2016

Saturday, March 19, 2016

New Day

Iridescent dewdrops on the grass,
the temperature far more complex
than sixty-three degrees,
an iridescent scented mix 
of warmth and coolness,
breeze conveying fir and grass and earth

Days bring new ways of openness,
fresh perspectives, and the chance to learn
to move without restraint, and with precision,
to value others rightly, to be grateful,
to love the moments offered,
and to offer myself,
free and present, to this splendid hour.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 19, 2016

Friday, March 18, 2016

Going Forward

Up till now, our progress has felt
like water cresting —
surging and halting, rolling over itself,
seeming not to move
and threatening to flood
at the same time

Today we begin to see
the unfolding of it,
step by step —
all these will happen 
but not all at once —

We will be ready
for everything as it comes,
our work —
to match our pace
with our breathing,
one breath at a time,
no more, no less,
riding the wave till it’s done.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 18, 2016

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Death, Choices — Random Thoughts

Death hovers at the edges,
an uninvited guest.
We make our life decisions —
where to live, who to live with,
how to fill our days . . . 
We say we never choose death

We say it’s not our choice,
it’s a clanging gong, and
you never can predict
when its dark tone
will snuff out all the plans,
will make both hopes and fears
irrelevant. (We may call it seductive,
for just that reason.)

We make our choices
as if we could manage death —
schedule it at the end
of all the other things

(Some people whisper
that you never go without a choice,
that you can remember
you always can choose life —
however strongly you are told 
you must choose death, it’s never true)

Whatever. In this life, today,
I choose living. Because I am.
And life is what 
I Am always chooses.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 17, 2016

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


See how we are all yearning,
how we reach, and cycle back,
see how we pursue what we believe
will give us what we need —
we reach, we grasp, we cycle back

Whatever stories we may try to use
as traction, to show some progress,
relative at least,
against the wave of others who are striving,
just keep us in the loop of not receiving

Look! We are all yearning,
and what we want is really all the same,
and no one’s course is any more approved
than any other.

Let us join hands,
for in this gesture we may find
(hands clasped, hearts unshielded,
 current flowing)
if we can’t give each other
what each other needs,
we’ll still begin approaching what we long for,
we’ll still create the openness
that lets us each receive.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 16, 2016

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Truth will not let my love be shallow.
It will deepen me 
if needed by carving canyons
with the restraint of a Missoula flood.
There won’t be any time for mourning —
all I cherished as myself
will be gone in a flash,
and in the ravished, newly purified
place of my being,
the rocks will stand exposed.
I will be deepened
along the channels that pour through.

Love will not let my life be shallow.
It will send its roots down
to the very depths of me,
finding the ancient water,
drawing it up
to nourish everything
that grows within my sphere.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 15, 2016

Monday, March 14, 2016

To the Rescue

It doesn’t matter
if you think you’re weak,
if you think you’re damaged,
if you think you always fail —
the you that can do what’s needed
is not touched by what you think

There is a you that rises
in the space between the words,
between the thoughts,
a you you’ve met in glimpses
in the surges of acceptance
that you’ve felt, however rare they’ve been

This you wins everything
and it will win you over, too —
don’t be afraid —
you will come to your rescue!

©Wendy Mulhern

March 14, 2016