Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Take me down to the bedrock,
Plant my feet
on something that’s not shifting
as days flow like dreams
and dreams flow like sand
along the sinking dunes of my perception

I can make no more conclusions
from any set of givens
sold in the market
of social norms
And I can find nothing
of enduring value
in the schools or in the stores

But there is something I can stand on,
step by step, there is a way to walk,
Guide my feet,
set them down surely
on eternal Spirit,
my only rock.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 31, 2014

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Peace Returning

Many small actors
help my equilibrium return —
the recognition of an old friend,
a planned reunion followed through on,
lots of other little things —
Nothing momentous
or even relevant,
just the quiet footsteps of life,
each thing moving for its own purpose
on its own course

These things together
set down a patchwork of peace,
calm the roiled landscape,
re-establish my presence,
find my ground.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 30, 2014

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Family Ties

We want to dissolve
all the knots we made,
all the contortions
we put you through,
all the habits we forced on you
in the twistings of our ignorant demands

We see the marks upon your posture
of all the places that we failed
to let you stand tall, and breathe free
and claim the breadth and depth 
of your own being

We wish, more than all else,
to set you free —
Is there a way?
Can we simply release you
from the tyranny of our early vision?
Is there a key in giving you
what you always knew that you deserved —
the full acknowledgement of everything you are,
of your infinity, your brilliant destiny?

Or maybe 
it doesn’t hinge on us at all.
Maybe you have already flown,
and the enduring truth of your nature
guides you clear and pure
and all that’s left for us
is to forgive ourselves.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 28, 2014

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Post-Christmas Musings

One way and another,
stories vary from experience:
We may ride safely in the container of
How lovely to have the children home
while our peace lies in shards,
all the comforts of home spilled out —
a thing that’s more convenient
not to mention

Let us remember
that other people’s stories,
one way and another,
may mask what they are feeling,
emotional complexities
foiling words entirely,
their need for comfort perhaps greatest
when their stories gush with
how perfect everything is,
how enviable their lives

The young man who stood in Bellevue
with downcast eyes
and a sign proclaiming homelessness
called me an angel when I gave him five dollars.
Who knows what story was there,
and what experience,
but I feel my money
was well spent.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 27, 2014


Now no longer enthralled
by the currency of death
we turn to the currents of Life,
the ones that surge in quick joy
and course in steady peace

How could we not know
that this has always been our strength,
always held us up

And there was no substance in the fear
or in the threat of loss the fear was using
to hold what we most love hostage

Life is not bounded 
by death, not bound
by limits, not circumscribed
by ultimatums

Life rules its own realm
and we are of it —
contiguous as ocean,
encircling as sky.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 26, 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

Look how perfectly
(though inadvertently)
the scene has now been set:
The gaudy lights and cynically
commercialized tunes
finally driving all light 
out of the celebration,
with Christ’s name now so fast affixed
to vengeful, hateful opposites
and the supported pastimes of the season
so bereft of any sense of hope

We have achieved the ultimate:
a night dark enough
for it to really matter
that truth still breaks clear,
that the inevitable dawn
of that which always draws us close,
tenderly washes us as we approach,
till we’re delivered pure
to where we’ve always been
but didn’t know,
where we are dearly loved
by our eternal Source.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 24, 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Faced with a riptide
or a vortex
Be calm —
There’s less to gain by thrashing
than by tuning in
and waiting for your moment

It’s OK
if you go down a little more
before you surface

There will be something you can use —
An eddy, or a bottom to spring up from
Or a gravitas within,
more weighty than 
the surge can heave,
to separate you from the fray,
release you from its inundating force,
let you reclaim your footing
and your course.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 23, 2014

Monday, December 22, 2014


Our preparation is like snow falling,
small flakes landing here and there,
the first ones fading, white to wet
on roofs and pavement,
disappearing silently
into the grass

Later it may thicken,
accumulation quick enough
to form a lock — crystal fingers
holding bridging structure
against the melt,

And before we know it
we may be transformed
stepping softly
into the opening world
of our next life.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 22, 2014

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Winter Solstice Eve

The longest night
comes and passes by,
Clouds scud across the dark sky,
Stars reveal that they were always here,
through the day, through the rain

Wind walks the hooded land
in its efficient stride,
Trees and chimes make comment,
Thoughts glide,
moving like the wind
along the canted 
planes of observation,
ever slanting towards tomorrow
and the steady flow of everything
through the timeless changes
of ever cycling life.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 21, 2014

Saturday, December 20, 2014


You put out candles
to mark the advent,
You set your watch
like shepherds
for the long hours of the night
You pray, you sing,
You pause. You’ve done
everything you can.

And then Christ comes,
even before the rolling earth
embraces dawn,
before the final shiver
of the last watch,
before the time you steeled yourself
to wait

Christ comes
now as ever,
singular yet constant
glorious light —
when you most need it,
what you most longed for,
invoking your grateful surprise,
joy to your heart and your eyes.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 20, 2014

photo by Heather Mulhern

Thursday, December 18, 2014


There may be times to look back
but this is not one of them —
Not now, when the dissolving floes 
are drifting,
breaking up the paths 
we used to walk on

Not now, when our only hope
is in how solidly we place this step,
right here. And how attuned we are
to those deep harmonies
along whose lines
reality solidifies

This is the time to create the ways
for those who have been lost to follow,
and for all those coming up
with hope as yet unsullied
to have our boughs to twine on

In this way, we’ll weave a world
we all can stand on
and look around
in any way we want.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 18, 2014

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


We could live all our lives
in suburban toyland
with no discomfort,
with our pretend jobs,
with tools that are not dangerous,
that sort of work

We could tell ourselves
there’s no reason for
that reckless longing
that keeps rising up —

We could beat it back
through shopping,
live all our lives that way
But they would be short —
We’d die of shallowness,
of not being able
to get a deep breath

We’d die of feeling no danger,
no aliveness
We’d die because fear
would come and get us anyway
in our little holes
because fear is never conquered
by running from it

We can’t live all our lives
in suburban wasteland.
Wilderness calls us
and from deep in our throats,
deep in our guts,
we answer.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 17, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Taste of Heaven

We start to look away
from all the things we thought
we cared about —
mementos, milestones, celebrations,
everything we thought would mark success

The taste of heaven
tingling on our tongues
drives us, hungry,
toward something we’re not finding
in the old pursuits

We seek it
in every place we’ve seen it —
smiles of strangers, twinkling eyes of friends,
wild abandon of winter colors in the land
and the promise of souls touching
hinted in those
sudden moments
when the uncountable
Importance of Everything
gleams clear.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 16, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Snuggle Me

Snuggle me
for I’ve been playing the grown-up
for too long —
heaviness tugging me down,
hard knots in my forehead

Playing the grown-up
with all of its hang-ups,
studying contracts,
haggling with language

Snuggle me —
Somewhere within
is the timeless and ageless
core of my being
where wisdom runs totally clear

Let your heart reach me there
where the sweet currents
wash away every care,
smooth out the tangles,
free me from worries,
free me from anguish,
from those conundrums 
offer release,
rest me serenely 
in snuggle-deep peace.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 14, 2014

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Madre Terra

We are made to speak with the earth,
Soles to press to loam,
Skin to sing the pure vibrations,
Tongue to taste the curling air
that bears the tale of everything alive

We are made to speak with the earth,
Eyes as emissaries, catching shafts of light,
relaying truth of all that lies within —
blue cast in the scent of oceans,
red in sun-warmed soils,
green and russet wetland grasses,
silvers aromatic in pine and sage, 

This has long been hidden
under roads and floors,
the pictures all presented 
through small and separate windows
so we haven’t known
what they all mean together,
haven’t known how they comprise a whole

But still the earth will call us,
pull us out from where
the dry pursuits have trapped us,
Lead us by some image, by some zephyr
to the place that owns us,
to our land.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 13, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Coming Home

Everybody’s coming home.
What looked like long and rocky trails,
what looked like walls, what looked like jails,
what looked like horrid snarls
of debt and obligation
are all the same

We set out on our journey
with strong resolve,
desperately determined
to give all it takes,
This time to finally leap free
of all those loops that snagged us,
dragged us back
so many times

We’re coming home.
It may be our resolve
or just the truth of our belonging:
The hard travails begin to fade
as we engage them —
We wake,
We wake to find ourselves

©Wendy Mulhern
December 11, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Current Events

I tear myself away from the pictures
so many times a day,
sickening and sad,
grief hanging with the edge of rain
on my windshield,
on the ledge behind my eyes —
Where can we turn now,
How did we drift so close to checkmate?

I look for solace in the colors —
winter reds of shrubs against storm gray,
dark trees against the sky,
I look for comfort
in the words of friends

These send me where I need to go,
down to the depths of my roots
to find the place where life
is ever coiling
to rise in its own strength,
to claim its truth.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 10, 2014