Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Autumn Night

It’s suddenly the time of year
when the warmth of another
becomes attractive as fire

In the cold night air
The dark glow of you
draws me in. I curl
into the circle of your sleeping heat
Grateful to the bone.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 30, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014


It’s OK to go down
all the way to the bottom
of your breath
It’s OK to stay there
for awhile
before the impulse
of the next inhale

These things move naturally —
There is a curve for turning
before the breath rises
and another one
up at the top

No need to panic —
You are not crashing
You will not fall too deep
and not be able
to come out

These systems have
their safe processes
They hold you sure and steady
and will turn you faithfully
when you are ready.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 29, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014


If this is really true
it changes everything

If we can always
in every place
meet our need to love,
find the way to harmonize
with anyone or anything that’s present

If today’s amazing flight
was not a miracle
but just the steady working
of a law that’s always been here,
an embrace around our shoulders
gentle as a swing push,
soaring as the moment of release,

Which synchronizes now
with my experience
because I know it’s true,
It changes everything.

What then, can I say about tomorrow?
— Watch and see.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 28, 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Nothing is less certain
than these constructs
whose markers loom so large
on all our landscapes
as if all meaning were defined
by shopping

Nothing is less certain
than the empire they support
which claims its power
over everything
but has no substance —
nothing true at all

Nothing is more certain
than the hum of life —
its impulse to connect —
and how each contact
multiplies life’s joy

Nothing is more certain
than the fact that life must win
by the simple truth
of being what it is.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 27, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

In This Wilderness

Right here, in this wilderness
(mile upon mile of suburbs)
is everything that’s needed
(just as in every wilderness)

Among the observed inhabitants
(cars and flickering TV screens)
Are also bright emitters 
of love, of thoughtful questing,
able to reap bounty with their care

And if I don’t see them,
if I walk away
in efforts to find something
that will nourish me,
It may be hard for me to find it,
For if I’m blind to what’s already here
Why should I think
I’ll see it somewhere else?

©Wendy Mulhern
September 26, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Five Powers of Two

celebrating thirty-two years of marriage

The power to see and love,
listen and hear,
to taste and know,
to touch and heal

The power to laugh,
to rethink, to forgive,
release old hurts, set ourselves free
and live

The power to uphold, support,
provide a safe container
and all the needed energy
to feed life’s aspirations

The power to let go
of any plans and preconceptions,
to let each other grow
along our deepest heart-intentions

The power to embrace a love
so big, it holds the world
and our infinity as well,
and all our joy, unfurled.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 25, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Self knowledge

The gate has many locks
each a conundrum:
How to be unselfish
yet be affirmed,
How to be disciplined
but not constrained,
How to discern
but not condemn,
To be encouraged
but not inflated

And yet, as I behold the grander view
and as my visage brightens in its glow
The gate resolves to shadow,
I go through
and know myself therein
a little more.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 24, 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


“none might buy or sell, save they that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”

In this time of
the mark of the beast
we find hope
in the brightening
of simultaneous paths
appearing under our feet
and guiding us in ways
where none of us is marred
by trademarks, brands,
where we can see each other
not as types, but whole,
unique in what propels us
and the arcs of our circles,
unpredicted and surprising
in each moment
of the steady sweet exchange
that fills our souls.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 23, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Into Your Freedom

Hum of the earth,
web of life —
No need to assert yourself,
no need to fight
against relentless chains

You meld into the strength
of all that holds you —
It will affirm you
without your needing to break anything
It folds you in,
you take your place —
It holds you so true,
all that was false about your life
must fade away

So we return,
so we arrive for the first time,
breathing the ever new
rhythm of all that is.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 21, 2014

photo by Heather Mulhern

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Your clothes don’t matter
in the place where we are all naked
Your habits, your opinions,
your credentials
weigh nothing, when we shed them all
For to bathe in this river
everything but the pure
sweet streaming of you
must be left behind
(or else it will be washed away anyway)

No one wants a piece of you
Nor can you rest on past laurels
Nor need you feel you have no name
to pull the proper recognition

Everyone who dives in 
is borne along the bright current
and the river’s song
sings through us all.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 18, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Point of Departure

Here is the offer
contained in every now:

For this one moment
to slip off of the page
into the sphere
to feel the depth
of all these dimensions

where the old flat knowledge
is entirely irrelevant
as we learn to move
among the wheeling elements

All the former prohibitions
are erased
as we soar and dive and glide
And miser’s calculations are replaced
as we encompass
our immeasurable size.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 17, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The mess we’re in

The heavy school bus groans
and blinks
and rolls
So it begins
(or it continues, for no doubt
it starts at home)
The inculcation of the mess we’re in
The press of lessons telling us again, again
We can’t expect to do the things we want

We’re told we don’t deserve to
and shouldn’t even ask,
We’re told its childish
and it’s selfish
and such hopes are sure to crash
against the real world
and what other people want

So we are severed from ourselves
till we no longer know
our deepest yearnings
and how they tie us
to the order of all things

Then later on we take a quest
to find out what we want,
And when we know it
we are told
we have to find a way
to compromise
to monetize
to pull out some small piece of it
that we can sell
and hope it satisfies

We’ll be so rich
when finally we come to understand
the things we want are keys —
They are the plan
for how we give our gifts,
how we receive
and how we interlock in harmony —
How we all long to serve the whole,
How doing what we want achieves this goal.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 16, 2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014


In every wilderness
are rocks that can be struck for water
There is hope beneath the sand
Every living thing attracts
that which desires to bless it —
What it needs is there
and will come through

There is a power in everything
to summon what completes its arc,
There is a power in all of us
to meet what makes us spark,
When fear is banished,
the souls that shine alone
will call forth constellations from the dark.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 14, 2014

Saturday, September 13, 2014

We are not prisoners

We are not prisoners
There are no bars upon our days
We are not pawns
and we are not enslaved

No grid constrains us
nor makes us walk its lines
nor forces us, through fear
to leave on lights against the night

We are not prisoners
There are no chains upon our thoughts
We’re not compelled
to think in boxes

No boundaries block us off
from realms we might explore
No lines of inquiry
can be forbidden

We are not prisoners
however fearsome the array
of shadow makers
designed to make us stay
within the lines of pre-established norms

Our deep completeness
still has the final say
and leads us, fearless
out to grander forms.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 13, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

Chaff and Wheat

The chaff is not nothing
— nothing is nothing —
It has a history
It has a future
It follows the dispersing energy
along the edge of wind
It lands against a fence
and gives its final nutrients
back to the ground

Or it ignites
in one last sparking,
its light and heat
a parting gift
before it burns to ash
becoming even more diffuse

The wheat is weighty,
concentrated in,
It holds the seed of life
It holds the focused plan
It is prepared for next year’s season
to drink the draft of life and thrive

And those first blades it sends
in vibrant springing green
to take in sun
to make the next year’s seed
will then at season’s end grow dry,
becoming chaff

So goes the cycle
with nothing wasted
Nothing is nothing —
All that has loved
still has a value here,
still has a place.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 12, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Here is my love

Here is my love
that doesn’t cling
that doesn’t slide around its objects
to the dark side

that doesn’t grasp
that doesn’t weigh them down
or take up residence within their forms
as jealousy, possession

Here is my love 
that must stay love
— all light —
illuming and infusing everything
and never changing —

Light as these wing tips
poised on the edge of that taut span
that masters flight,
poised to guide my actions
in the nuance
of the sweet embrace
of all that shimmers
and all that waits to shine.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 11, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


When you’ve lost your footing
sometimes the only thing to do
is tumble

Some things there’s no way
to put right
no words to reestablish
some former stance

Sometimes you need to let it go
in the turbulence of the roiling waves,
sand suspended, water full of it
turbid and thrashing
until they find their limit and recede

setting everything down smooth
gleaming innocent
along the stretching shore.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 10, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Too Many Hours Alone

I face the void,
I face my cluttered house
(my consciousness, that is)
I wander driftingly
for lack of company

I take myself in hand,
try to straighten up the stories,
pull at some of their recurring loops,
so many of them feeling old —
I don’t believe them anymore
(if I ever did)

These narratives arise from isolation,
they build inside, reverberating
from props I have set up
(characters to populate my constructs)

They become a burden, a distraction,
a show that takes attention
from present interactions
and I think how awkward it would be
if anyone could read my thoughts —
so far removed they are
from the expected present care

But if we all could read each other’s thoughts
I think these ones would dissipate
with all their lame assumptions and their fears
We’d feel the reinforcement 
of acceptance, of approval

And we could walk easy
in the joy
of how light a touch of thought
could send such waves of comfort
to each other.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 9, 2014