Friday, January 31, 2014


I can’t talk about this
because it’s too big —
bigger than a library of books
on how to find yourself, redeem yourself,
improve . . .

I must talk about this
because it’s so big —
big as the ocean’s crinkled surface,
responsive to each eddy,
every breath of wind . . . 

I touch my feet to earth.
Beyond all words, I feel 
the intersection of the circles,
every pulse connected,
tracing back to where I am enfolded,
and enfold the whole —
A glimmer of the key to everything,
big enough to satisfy my soul.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 31, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014


You have the power:
You can always do
what you want

You are the power —
You can bring your light
into the world

You feel the power,
vibrant and decisive voice within
that lets you know
what you are here to do,
how to begin
and how to follow through
and how to win
the realization of your grandest vision.

Though you have heard real life consists
of mostly doing things your heart resists,
it is not true,
For here and now
the life that ever brings you forth
aligns you with your joy
and seals your worth.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 30, 2014

about this poem:

I was walking home from the post office this morning around seven, in the predawn light where early blue began to separate from layered gray, thinking about chem trails and surveillance and the poisoning of the earth, and I realized that these things can only be done if people do them.  And that people probably realize they don’t want to do these things, so the one thing that can heal the earth is our realizing we don’t need to do things we don’t want to do. A revolutionary thought, with far-reaching implications . . .

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

At the core

Oh, we are all the same,
heart of lettuce, core of onion, carrot top —
We have our generative essence,
we will grow
from this central point,
put out our leaves
and reach into the soil
for what we need

But we’re not made to thrive alone —
Our growth, beyond our spark,
requires some need our presence meets,
some gift which, when we give it,
cantilevers strength for us and them

This web we share —
How it breathes,
the giving and receiving
in ecstatic rise and fall,
how intricate its network,
how tenderly it holds us all!

©Wendy Mulhern
January 29, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Today’s Work

Well, it will probably be
like other times. I pull the bell
and wait for the arrival
of the magic zip line ride.

Like other times, I’ll probably
wait a while. Sit down,
kick at little rocks, notice
ferns and moss,
look up at every sound, hoping to see
a little carriage trundling down the line.

And probably after a while
(like other times)
I’ll get up and start
to pick my way down
through the brush
and the steep slides of the ravine
to the other side,
and climb the hill myself.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 27, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014


We will stop seeing ourselves
as creatures of prohibition,
the ones who see themselves confined
within the narrow lines
of what’s allowed

And we will not play out
the acts of prohibition —
the tearing down, denying
and forbidding

We will understand
that the great dominion
has never been destruction,
that intelligence has a greater work

And that the building up of anything,
a life, a town, a cause,
must use the tools of life,
allowing everything 
to tumble forth and thrive,
and in its living find its integration,
teem, and be itself, and be alive.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 26, 2014

Let us gather

Let us gather
among these sweet tears,
Let us grieve,
Let this shared fountain
wash through us
with all its sadness —
Let it flow
until it clears

Let us gather
for we will be shelter
for each other, we will be
home. We will be
the way we make it through —
We’ll see each other 
and so be known.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 25, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014


In the end
the things we’re asked to know
are the same things stones know
as they absorb their daily thermal load
and then release it slowly to the night,
a breathing that befits their time —
long and steady and calm

And what we’re asked to know
is what trees know
as they embrace the standing wave of energy,
toroidal cycling
of air and light and water,
breath of the forest, sweet and pure

We’re asked to know
the things our breathing teaches
in the constant ebb and flow
and in the depth it reaches
and the way we’re woven
into one complete design,
breath of our days,
earthbound, divine.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 24, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014


There may be
a hundred little pieces
that don’t fit,
that jar and grate against each other
and squeak

And they may also seem
supremely unimportant —
the solution as irrelevant
as it is hard
I can’t even ask you
to take heart,
Can’t advise that you stay
or leave

And yet I see you
in sweet ease,
in light laughter
that will bubble up
like expanding earth
and change everything,
shining your dreams till they’re true.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 23, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


You brought your love in
like a fresh evening wind
sweetening your hair,
giving light and lift
to your face, your eyes

And I could breathe deeper
because you were here,
because of what you brought.

You had no fear
because it wasn’t about you
or about me, or the approval
of hidden voices that held the ear
of the board of directors,
wasn’t about opinions
or someone’s rigid template for perfection

It was as simple and as radical
as truth. That which can’t
be argued down
because it stands
in its own exquisite essence
ever renewed
from above, from within.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 22, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Then one day,
unexpected and welcome
as robin song,
came your bright warble
into my life again

This time I knew
not to expect anything,
not to set my plans
based on your timing,
not to put weight down
on the joy you offer,
but simply to delight
in your ephemeral gold.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 21, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014


In feeding we are fed,
In meeting we are met,
In every act of willingness
to come forth empty to the touch point,
we are filled

The fountain rises bubbling
from the awe-struck rock,
The flames burst out
from the friction’s spark,
The inspiration rushes
suddenly and steadily
into the open space
prepared by humbleness
for great paths of wind
sweeping into the deepest chambers,
touching the quick,
igniting swift
life fire within.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 20, 2014

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Flash Flood

In retrospect
it all seems so familiar —
the heady feeling of approaching mastery,
the sense of having found a solid answer
and the immediate response
of some overwhelming inundation —
a storm in my internal weather,
an interpersonal nor’easter,
or some flash flood to carry off
all my pat conclusions,
forcing me to let myself be washed through,
re-oriented, stripped of all pretensions,
surrendering, as ever,
to the larger wisdom
to clarify my sense
and make me new.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 19, 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Work Party

Afterwards, we drove up through
the scattered, shattered landscape,
houses like detritus flung against the fences
of suburban grids,
the actual people
clinging for survival
to the few pursuits that patch
their massive loneliness,
and maybe they don’t even know
the tide has gone out on their sustenance . . .

We thought about city repair,
and the work seemed so massive —
to create a structure
that belongs to us
and not the advertisers and investors.

But we have begun:
In this day we worked together
moving earth, transplanting hope
(represented here by many strawberries),
making connections which, with care
will spread in a great mat
and bear its fruit where everyone can share.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 18, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

What does your heart want?

What does your heart want?
This one thing you can answer
without words, without posture,
without a sense of needing to be right

What your heart wants now
is how you’ll know
what to do. No definitions of yourself,
based on observations or conjectures
or the self-filtered opinions of your fellows,
have any clue

What does your heart want?
When asked, your heart will answer
in the impulse of a movement,
in the wisdom of the moment
and you’ll know yourself
by following its truth.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 17, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Naming it

Oh, I have been fooled
so many times,
so nearly constantly —
Cowed by an unnamed fog
to fail to move
(lest in moving I should fail),
to fail to see
(lest I see something that would wake me 
to the need to move)

But now I will name the fog
and feel the fear roll off
in great waves,
billowing and blowing and dispersing
And I will stand
in new-created day.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 15, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


In this vision,
the antelopes are tuned
into existence,
huge waves of them
rolling in and out of
atmospheric haze,
keenly aware of their
sharp pounding against the ground
in the rolling rhythm of multitude
and the strong smell of each other
and the heat and dust
and the surging imperative importance
of life, this now 
in which they run.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 14, 2014

Almost Napping

In my not quite dreaming state
I felt like another person,
someone who was sleeping on my other side,
someone who had another stairway,
chocolate colored, smooth like pudding,
that she could climb
to another story.

The draft on my back
that kept me awake
also made me feel alive —
small bursts of excitement
at possibilities of places to fly,
people to be,
buzzing through my shifting sense of self . . .

My daily window of belief —
How small it is!
How infinite the plane
in which my life can play!

©Wendy Mulhern
January 14, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Secret Spring

To Edward

Come here again
and enter
this inner pool of me,
which, when you touch,
comes real
and I can go there, too —
Quench myself deeply,
Immerse myself
in what will glow afterwards
on my whole skin 
and in the deep breaths I take,
an unnamed satisfaction
that fills up the entire void
amazingly —
that huge chasm
with one drop.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 12, 2013

Saturday, January 11, 2014

To Sunny

No, please —
(as I see you from afar,
drifting down the currents
of someone’s strenuous persuasion)
Remember what you had —
Remember how we both 
filled with that so-tangible light,
heart-homed, rising more massively
than magma,
shining through our eyes,
making that visiting booth a lantern
that poured its brightness into all my life.

I know I always went away euphoric,
my joy so well fed,
my faith so anchored
by your stand for truth.
How can you forget?
How can you leave that light
for cold logic, dry texts,
and an old excluding story?

Come back —
(I ask you, knowing
I have no traction
except the hope we planted together
which has spread into a great field
in the time you’ve been gone.)

©Wendy Mulhern
January 11, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014


Twice today I finished typing
and hit the “send” button,
and noticed that my heart was sounding
that homing drum,
that turning thump
that signified
travel to altered states,
passage through some narrow place,
(speed-squeezed along the airfoil,
pulled through the lift
of the attenuated pressure)
the re-emerging into normal day
requiring decompression,
proof that I had touched the table
of some deep-lying truth.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 10, 2014

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Coming of Age

May you emerge bravely
from that tight, sad place
which breeds such desperate loneliness
in the family-sized scrabble
to be seen, to find respect
(the sense of home
so compromised by struggle)

It might be best
for you each to forge your way alone —
leave the family voices
behind for a while —
The love is there,
but its application
is an advanced problem —
better to start with the relative ease
of friendly strangers . . .

May you invent yourselves —
find a new face that will
let you give voice
to who you’ve always been
but haven’t dared express,
May the broad sky embrace your courage,
May you gain comfort
in the arms of new-found friends.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 9, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Hard walking, this,
as among the rolly stones along the beach —
worse, for sharp edges reach to snag,
and mire beneath them
is often quick, and my foot
sinks down unexpectedly,
and no step can be sure

But I will keep walking,
I will not stop for 
all the cluttered claims of pain
or the searing cold of sudden doubt
of things I’d held so sure

This much is clear —
The act of moving is itself a strength,
and little joys still shine
from unexpected places,
and the investment over many years
of what I work to carry —
attention, faith, discipline —
will pull me through.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 8, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014


At any moment,
you can be
the spark point of divinity,
the nexus of reflection,
the place where the God light
touches down
between you and another.

You can be willing,
which makes you
a tuner, an amplifier
for the ever present music
that stirs your inner infinity
and brings it up
an offering
that unites you both in blessing
and carries your sudden comprehension
down the bright living stream of life.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 6, 2014

Sunday, January 5, 2014


In the real world,
particulars matter —
inches and angles,
proportion and timing,
and, of all the people
you could have been with,
who it actually is.

In real love,
particulars matter,
but they are not metered or weighed
like exacting alchemical recipes.
Instead, each of these 
very idiosyncratic things
becomes an astonishing bright point,
a hitherto unimagined
touch of perfection
that had to be so —
just precisely the way it is.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 5, 2014

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Becoming Real

We start to consider
what it will take to become real,
what it will take to release ourselves
from the role in the story
in which we have no power
to infuse the structure
with our integrity,
no power to ensure
our livelihood is built on justice.

We will become real
because we do have power.
We must build our world from scratch
because it can be right,
and we’re not living
till we own
all the consequences
of our actions,
till they reflect
our natural, steady,
all-embracing care.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 4, 2014

True Words

It seemed she had forgotten them,
the way they fell, in random sequence
like raindrops shaken
from a branch
into a pond
(the ripples moving out silently
to intersect noiselessly,
patterns of expanding circles
enveloping each other)

They seemed to fall without intent,
and yet,
in the moments following,
the melody they made
(repeating and inverting,
echoing and spreading)
kept on reverberating
till their meaning
and their message
had made themselves
indelibly clear.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 3, 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014


We will ride home
across golden meadows,
the gracious sun glowing at our coming,
our shadows stretching royal
along the welcome road;
We will ride home
supported by the very air,
caressed by the attending breeze.

We have done well,
as was decreed at our creating;
We have been
exactly as we were intended.
This fulfillment
comes from something higher
than our forms can comprehend,
this victory
our creator’s gift to us
of the particulars
of our design

We will ride home
as was written and is now enacted,
in the rich ease of being trusted.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 2, 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Work Before Us

If there is one key,
it still must be applied
still must be used
to unlock each moment,
to focus perception,
to map the principle
on the terrain of the day

If there is a grand design,
it still must be lived,
breathed into, wrought,
in the hum of heart vibrations
down the course of awareness.
We can plan, we can understand,
but we also,
in the demand of every hour,
are called upon to be.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 1, 2014