Monday, September 30, 2013

The One Who Loves Me

The one who loves me,
and who always has,
is the one who rivers me,
who flows my substance through me,
flows me through its being —
all my life, my love —
that ever eager pulse
that shows me forth in glimmers
and in full shine
as always so much deeper
than the shifting stories
I and others have called “me.”

The One who loves me
and who always has
brings up my love, full on, to meet it,
teaches me everything I know
of how to love.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 30, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013


The threads that make our story
have passed through many warps
before they came through us.
They came from richly colored skeins,
were mixed with others
in their pathway through the loom.
They rendered skies, they rendered sun,
they rendered trees,
and many ancestors 
before depicting you and me.
We are not separate.
Every strand of us is also part
of everything that’s been before.
Their colors sing through us,
Their memories live in our bones,
We join with them in chorus.
We never walk alone.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 29, 2013

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mind and Heart

It’s said the mind can’t solve its own snarls —
A pro at spinning yarns, it is too linear
to see beyond the knotted interweavings —
that, though it flows with ease
through many convolutions,
it’s too invested in the string
to let the tangle go.

Have a heart!
It doesn’t really matter
who said what, who did what, and why —
(Wait — that’s still the mind speaking)

The heart says,
Hush —
Your wisdom and your love
are strong enough to ensure
that every actor in this story
get full due,
be wrapped up in the care
compelling them to thrive
as the wonderful creations that they are.

The heart says,
Sink deeper
into these infinite arms
that ever hold you up.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 28, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

A first-world problem

Darkness looms about the house,
enters the old man’s dreams,
makes him heavy —
He won’t get up.

My love is far away,
my friends move in their own orbits,
the music pipes on bravely
but I’m lost

This is a first-world problem —
my house is warm and dry
and safe
and well-supplied.

The only thing I lack today
is feeling useful —
the sense of purpose and essential role
that serves community,
helps make it whole . . . 

I will fight for this
each day I have to —
to feed some greater need
would fill my soul.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 27, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

In answer to your question

There is a yes
that whispers in the softest tones,
as intimate as kisses,
small as a cricket’s chirp,
but opens out a chorus of response
that in its vast resounding
sounds a universe.
It says:
You are enough
and you will have enough within you
at every step
to light your way
and be a light for others.
Your internal universe
has countless stars,
all of them bright enough
to guide you home.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 26, 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The One That Chooses

for Edward

See? The one that chooses
chooses true —
How else could we have known,
though we were very young
and scarcely knew ourselves,
that it was right for us to be together?

And though we jockeyed —
tried and mostly failed
to put forth our positions —
though we had so little power
to influence each other
as we took our stands at our opposing poles

Eventually our magnets had to shimmy
to settle us right here
in snuggled closeness
and we asked each other last night:
Who chose who?

Well, maybe this was chosen
not by us
so much as by our deeper essence
that moves not from a choice
but from a law —
a law that works regardless of our constructs,
The law that shines the stars and tunes the worlds.

Happy Anniversary, my love!

©Wendy Mulhern
September 25, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Law of Light

In the law of reflection
everyone is bright
(nothing is created or destroyed)
The light that rests on them
is the same,
and as it always has,
it shares its brilliance in full strength
with every thing.

And any time we fail to see it,
it’s just that it’s refracted
some other way —
turned toward a world, perhaps,
we haven’t even seen,
focused to bless
somewhere we haven’t known.

They will all do what they must
to find the place
where their brightness offers
the one clear shining ray that’s needed most.
Each has that gift
and each will give it
in the steady rhythm
of the law of light.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 24, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013


We think we build for eternity,
Yet all those heavy, heady things —
documents of finances,
records of transactions and transitions —
become as useful as the old computers
that contain them,
decaying towers of plastic obsoleteness.

We think our lives are fleeting,
Yet those moments
like where a hug reached through
beyond the mask of separation,
and where you saw a soul
and felt illumined,
and how you worked together
in the quiet, deft companionship
of knowing what was needed and delivering —

These times, uncaptured by recording,
still remain,
undimmed monuments
to the heart of life.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 23, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Evening contrasts

The coziness of a heated house
is made stronger
by a foray into crisp evening
which is made fresher
in its contrast
with the warmth inside,
which is made sweeter
by the movement of the outside wind.
So blessed we are to venture out
and to return,
renewed, embraced
in this
as in the cycling 
of every breath.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 22, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Within Love’s infinity
there’s enough 
to craft everything —
enough scope, enough minute attention,
enough mastery, enough variation,
enough presence.
No fear or failure is required
for any true creation.

Here we are.
Here is the current canvas
and the moment’s brushstrokes,
Here is the object of our inspiration,
Here is our power to wield the artist’s tools
and bring each hidden gift to view.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 21, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Blues and Olives

Things that have
the bitterness of olives
and dandelion greens
should not be sweetened.
You have to take them down
with salt and garlic
in the dark rolling flavor
that seeks the underside of tongues
in the wild place
where stomachs growl
and teeth chomp.

It is the same with Blues —
low crooning twang
taking you down 
into the satisfying
soothing ooze
of deep brine.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 20, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013


How can you describe the glimpsing of this truth?

You see it like a deer in the woods,
suddenly revealed by a shift in shadow,
Then it’s gone —
Gone to your eyes at least —
You know it’s there,
and if you focus in just right
you’re sure you’ll see it.

You see it like a color —
white-rimmed mauve upon the water,
flickering and disappearing
till you find its source
in the sunset sky
and then you see it
repeated in great swaths across the lake.

It’s like a snatch of song
So sweet and haunting to your inward ear
But which you can’t quite hum
because you don’t quite know it.
Wait. Be still. You’ve called for it
And so, in its time, it will come.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 19, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


The awkward throw,
high and wide or falling short,
allows for a heroic catch —
someone so inclined can run
and leap and dive
and hold their object
deftly cradled against falling.

The awkward comment,
tactless, unconsidered,
still can summon
heroic grace —
a pause, a gentle turn of phrase
that reveals the deep intent,
the effort for connection that was meant,
and so restore the moment’s joy and peace.

Everywhere I feel I have been awkward,
I still am held
within the harmony of the unending dance
where everything I do
can be profoundly met
with what brings forth
the fundamental good.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 17, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Empty Nest

We move among the circles
that close quickly now,
tasks suddenly rendered easy
by lack of interruption,
huge projects now looking feasible

And we need to hang on hard
to the sense of purpose
that propels us forwards,
and learn to be sustained
by something other than
the scanty tidbits
gleaned from afar —
Harvest our joy
in what they have become,
but forge forward on our own.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 16, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Going in, I need to be
completely clean —
no burrs, no barbs, no sticky spots
to catch at the fragile web.

If I am to piece together
from these parts as soft and thin as petals,
a garment that will serve to cover us,
give us a name, a role,
a way to hold ourselves,
Then I must sew it deftly —
no rips or tears to render it
in need of still more sewing

So let me pause here first,
let all investment fall away
that I may be
a good instrument,
and my work true.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 15, 2013

Saturday, September 14, 2013


In the sea’s splendid surge —
foam swirling, gathering,
showing the grand dance of waves —
There is no resistance —
nothing that fails to move
in that symphonic harmony,
no molecule that bucks against the thunderous tide.

No more can we 
rebel against the law that moves us —
not as something separate from us
but in a oneness
like waves and water —
so we are held.
So we swirl, so we dance,
so we flow.
There’s no resistance
and there is no failing
in the surge of Life’s unending tide.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 14, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013


I stood in transition,
hip deep in now-quiet waters,
feeling the melancholy of change, of stasis,
of muted gray and green

Then to the west
appeared a crisp rip in the clouds,
bright blue streaking out
clean and deep behind the weather

And without knowing just what prompted me,
I slid, snakelike, into the waiting water
to slip my skin and swim.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 13, 2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Here is the circle
where I am held in your heart,
All of me enclosed, included,
Swinging in the hammock
of your care.

Here is the circle of radiation —
all of the warmth
that flows from that cozy enclosure,
Spread to include
those who come in the line of my sight,
Sure to exude all the comforts 
of this dear delight.

Here is the circle
of all who are drawn to the love,
Bringing their own light
and feeling it rise in the center.
Here is the joining of links that will hold us
in that grateful unity
called our community
All of which grows from the start
of how I am held in your heart.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 12, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Sing, people!
Stretch, meditate,
Pray, make love, dance —
Fly to the thing that brings you light!
Seek out friends to laugh, to rant,
Climb mountains, find wild rivers —
Whatever will expand, restore you,
rush through you, ignite, fulfill you.
Give it enough time
to refresh your luminescence,
For when, in my usual ways,
I can’t find mine,
I can then turn to you
and be lifted.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 11, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


This is a time of closing of the arc,
not as in a downward fall towards death,
climax past,
but as integrity of structure,
in which the strength is realized,
and all the flyaway, forgotten hopes
of many years
now have a place
to weave themselves back in,
to form a vessel
that can hold
all these sweet fruits.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 10, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Place Prepared

Music across the water,
music across the miles,
things to mend our sense of presence,
reassurance of smiles

It’s not too late —
everything comes home
and in its coming brings
great claps of celebration.

So we are all received
into the place created for us,
kept and embellished throughout the years,
though we hadn’t seen it,
refined continually to be sure
that when we find it,
whatever our path of growth has been,
it will fit perfectly
and so will we.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 9, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Most Important Thing

At this time of life
depth seems a most important thing —
the balance weights that extend  
below the illusion we call the ground,
the ones that give us
dynamic presence
so we can’t be tumbled
from our own truth.

Though many forces
may push us flat against the ground,
we are not phased
for we rebound,
immediately realign
with what we are,
embody a circumference
that’s wider far
than what we had before believed.

We need this depth
to move with purpose
through the social daze,
We need this size 
to overcome the myth of death.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 7, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sun Turn

We rounded the bend
into the precipitous edge of fall,
the sky’s dynamics
dealing real cold air behind the clouds,
the sun’s warmth 
playing for higher stakes
and sometimes losing.

It was worth it this morning
to dress at three fifteen
and walk, almost blind, through the dark house
to find and muffle a light
and walk down to the water
to see if the stars
(so many, so bright)
would cast a clear reflection —
many did.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 6, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013


(for my mom, and her sister Marcia, and, I hope, for Edith)

You have connections
you may not notice —
A shared light in the corner of access memory,
How your eye may catch your cheekbone, looking out,
Your love of birds,
deeper than articulation —
something tugging at your inner wings . . .
So, though your worlds diverge,
When you come together,
you find that seated ease
where words are comfortable
but not required.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 5, 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Cricket song, like stars
in the soundscape of the night
illumines the crisp air
with points of aural light

Memories of moments
stretch across the years,
bright spots of joy
like cricket song
fill my eyes and ears

There is a place
for every sound,
for every voice.
So crickets,
alone and in their undulating chorus
invoke my inner song,
let my heart rejoice.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 4, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


We are actually much deeper
than the stories about ourselves,
the tragic, unanchored drifting,
vertiginous sense of not knowing,
of having no basis for deep compassion
and decisive action.
We are not those shallow people
who accumulate stuff
and blame others
for the lack of joy in our lives.

This is who we are:
Grounded in truth. Formidable.
Able to demand fairness for all,
able to protect the sovereignty and dignity
of every living thing.
Able to say no to the growing, rolling
ball of lies that tries to drag us under,
Able to stand as strong
as any long-oppressed survivor,
able to see love win.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 3, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

Martha’s Vineyard, Labor Day

It’s still hot and muggy,
windy and cloudy,
but now, baptized by salt spray,
I move through the air
as one who belongs here,
easing into the familiar lightness 
of bone, expansiveness of breath.

Crickets and small birds
sing songs of evening.
Masts of moored boats clank,
engines of boats and planes
stretch out loud against the quiet of the land,
the rain and thunderstorms
still pent, unspent,
but I’m no longer waiting,
now fully here.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 2, 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Moment

For an instant,
in my prayer,
I saw all the darkness of the world
as being short as a breath —
an exhale awaiting the inhale,
an infant’s need reaching out
to be gathered into loving mother arms,
And all the world’s travails,
throughout all time,
as just that moment of the asking,
calling forth the full embrace
that brings us all in and in
into the truth of everlasting Love.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 1, 2013