Saturday, August 31, 2013


I am thankful your desire
is stronger than your will,
stronger than your resolutions,
stronger than anything that I,
in my foolish teaching,
may have installed.
Your desire is a persistent weight
that always, in the end, plumbs true.
It will lead you
to just what you need.
It will feed you
all that completes you,
all that delivers you
to the life-filling purpose
that is you, that is your home.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 31, 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

Symphony Road, Boston

Through the city windows throb
music and voices from a life
that is not mine,
though the tendrils of connection
from my past
still reach deep into my psyche,
and the allure
of living that life
with the skills I have now
tickles my dreams.

But my face in the mirror shows me
this life is as far removed from me
as those voices,
close across the narrow street,
stories and walls away.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 30, 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Doing Things Together

We did not sail in the rain
though we came right to the edge of it
in the sweet game of willingness
to enter the space of shared experience,
to find the delight 
in each other’s pleasure,
to join in at something 
that all of us love.

Anyone’s strong intent
would have brought the others along
but we all decided
in the grey mist and wind on the shore
that we’d be better served
going home
to hang out together and bake things
in the cozy kitchen,
letting the wind outside
wrap us in a soft cocoon.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 29, 2013

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Logan Airport — Ground Transportation

Certain things can be written
in the roar of the airport terminal
where buses wheeze and screech
in the echoing concrete beneath the interchange.

The words are not soft,
though there’s a calmness in our waiting
and good-naturedness in others
in this slowing space
along the disparate trajectories of travel.

It’s too loud and hard
amid the engines and the beeping carts
to find an outward peace —
It is a time to patiently endure,
a din to send my focus inward.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 27, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I’m putting down roots,
finding anchor
against the dizzy winds,
the strident lying stories
that have swirled us all our lives
as we tried to find meaning
in the vague continuity
offered by their endless repetition.

In the stillness of groundedness
the winds seem harder
but they serve to reinforce
the sense of refuge,
the place of home,
the finding of the solid truth on which I stand,
the rock from which I now shall not be moved.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 27, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013


While we nap
wind blows through the house,
doors slam,
rain patters outside.
Your hand twitches —
you’re already under.
I hear the cars roar by.
A jay squawks, and a flicker.
A little dog is yapping
and we are here in a sweet space
connected by the rise and fall of our breathing
and this short span of time
before I go.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 26, 2013

Sunday, August 25, 2013


The waning day moon
cruised across the breathless sky,
the air caught in that magic freshness —
sun warmed coolness —
drawing all breath to its attention.
Then clouds converged
along the bounds of summer
and rain came down to wash us
towards the edge of fall.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 25, 2013

Friday, August 23, 2013


In your time
you will find
the sweet imperative,
the nectar you must drink —
the one, right now
that shoots through you like light,
that holds you up
as water holds up herbs
and makes you grow,
ever more unfolding into what you are.

And when it’s done
there’ll be a new imperative —
It will taste different
(the old one will no longer do)
and you will know it from your craving
and how your thirst rises up to meet it
and to crest in satisfaction
as you’re nourished.

This is how we know our way —
we are designed
to want what we most need.
It is the way of everything that lives
and it has worked
for more years than our counting minds can fathom.

Trust your truth!
It will grow ever clearer
as you lean into
the wind of your desire.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 23, 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Paradigm Collapse

In that weightlessness
before the house’s falling,
after the struts were pulled out
one by one,
the structure growing ever weaker
though we hadn’t noticed

(distracted as we were
by the eventually frantic
clang of loud music
and waving of hands,
garish colors paraded
ever more urgently
to keep us from paying attention)

But it gets to the point
where each strut, as it’s removed,
may be the last —
The structure is swaying,
soon to twist and crumple
and when we see it there
in that weightless moment
before the fall,
We start to realize
This all has been a dream.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 22, 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


In the chrysalis
there’s nothing to talk about —
nothing of the former experience
with any relevance
to the transformation at hand

Unless, of course, there is —
unless the subtle flavors
of all those different leaves
you munched voraciously
with no articulation as to why —
Will now reveal themselves to be
precisely what you needed,
as their gifts are taken in and reconfigured
in the life for which the caterpillar had no words
but maybe somehow craved.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 21, 2013

Monday, August 19, 2013

El Dorado Canyon

I fall into this place,
into a space deeper than words,
deeper than names and concepts,
deep as the dark pink of these boulders,
fresh fallen, broken open,
deep as the cool shadows
holding out against the cooking climb of sun,
hidden as the paths of roots
buried by rockfall,
thrusting and exploring underground
like those that twist along the surface
before they dive in.

No words can reach here now,
in the sudden knowledge
that flows along contours
and reveals itself
in cracks along the fractured face of rock
and in the eager shining path of streams
and their cold like gold
against my bare feet.

Later I will surface
and try to capture it with words,
Like that stone underside captures
light ripples from the stream,
like those dragonfly wings shine
bright against the sky.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 19, 2013

Sunday, August 18, 2013


I release you
to the greater parent,
the source of your I Am,
the equilibrium that guides you
from the center of the earth,
the inner light that grounds you to the stars.
What you are has always been
so much greater
than any sense of you I tried to manage.

I release me
to the greater parent,
who will not hold me to my failings
but ever lifts me up
with awe inspiring joy —
tosses me, laughing, towards the sky,
catches me, surely,
in arms that know me as their very own —
sends me out on splendid paths to roam,
brings me to an ever wider home.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 18, 2013

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Circling the Wagons (a missive to myself)

Come here. Close the door.
Hush. Listen:
If there’s a bad guy in your paradigm,
you’ve already lost.
Comb through the siftings of your mind:
What do you see?
A terrorist? an invasive weed?
A giant evil corporation?
A family member who’s unfair,
who fails to understand?

Come closer. Come deeper in:
There actually is a way to win.
Beyond the achy fog that forms
between your eyes, above your nose,
that drifts down in a drab gray mat
and settles in that sad place 
that affirms it is your starting point —
the place from where you have to rise and rally —

Beyond that place is where we need to go —
Where it is clear —
Where you can take hold of your deep truth
and know:
You don’t need to fight in that battle.
The paradigm that stages any bad guy
is the only bad guy.

You can win.
Your source is infinite,
your being vast.
You live where you are already the master:
nothing to fight,
Just everything true to stand up for.
Nothing to lose,
Just all of your substance to gain.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 17, 2013

Friday, August 16, 2013

Everyone Gets to Come

Don’t be afraid —
Don’t look ahead in dread
of narrowing life choices,
of chances missed.
It doesn’t matter —
for in the plan of days,
Everyone gets to come.

To the grand reception
of our timeless gifts,
to the celebration
of what we’ve always been,
to the home that holds us
splendid and beloved,
Everyone gets to come.

In the great rapture
of interaction in the moment,
in that enchanting weightlessness
where you can’t tell for sure
if the impulse comes from you
or from another
(though it is yours as surely as you feel it)
In the joy of that transporting,
far beyond what you could know to ask for,
Everyone gets to come.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 16, 2013

Thursday, August 15, 2013

In Bloom

For that flower to appear,
the conditions must be just right.
It may be that it happens only once — 
Once in a lifetime, once in five hundred years —
If it were left to chance
you might never have seen it.
But you are here
and you have noticed
and perhaps you were the one
whose attentive, open gaze
and ready heart —
what brought you to this place —
are what have lent the air
these right conditions
to let this flower
open here for you.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 15, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I lie alongside myself —
it feels like two of me,
the me curled in the heart of Mind
and me imagining myself
as one observed.
The identity of the observer
is important —
When I feel that someone loves me,
the observer looks on kindly,
and I can snuggle
inside myself
assured that I belong.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 14, 2013

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


It’s a funny thing
that I could so totally inhabit another world
as to make a double exposure
for my eyes:
Though I am driving here
along these roads, against these skies,
I also breathe papaya
and avocado
and sheets of rain arrested in their slide
down a humid landscape,
and cool tile floors offering respite

And if there is a way
to really harness this power,
we’ll be off and away,
making things real,
bringing one or more new worlds
into the light of actual day.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 13, 2013

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Summer rests light upon my skin
lending ease to all my moments
Soft skies with subtle drama
float above the day
Evening falls mellow
cooling breeze meanders through the house —
A brief time of timelessness
that casts its blessing
along the season’s sloping curve towards fall.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 11, 2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013


(notes on the second summer five-women gathering)

Let us melt
into the soft, orgasmic
where everything that we’ve accumulated —
the triumphs and the woes,
the stories of what’s happened,
the win and lose of what we have become —
dissolve into imaginal potential
for our metamorphosis
into our own.

What we have called a false start
or called a failure,
or called a choice that didn’t do us good,
all serve as food for our unfoldment,
unmarred by scars from anything we’ve done.

Here in this company
we feel our wings expanding
just like our hearts
that hold each other whole —
the selves we own
by seeing them reflected
in kindred eyes that shine the light of Soul.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 10, 2013

Friday, August 9, 2013


We all come around to the same thing —
Some through worship,
some through reckless living,
some through questing,
some through steady working.

At whatever place we put our efforts
We start to break in —
The walls of our illusion start to thin,
so we can glimpse the wideness of our being;
The floor of our confusion fades away
and shows the wondrous depth
to which we reach.

So we focus,
so we understand
the nature of eternal God within,
the sweet imperative of the I AM.
And everyone we thought was so impossibly diverse
We’ll see, now, with the welcome eyes of oneness,
And everyone we thought that we could never comprehend
We’ll see as neighbor, recognize as friend.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 9, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013


I kept walking through spider webs.
Even when I tried not to,
even when I held out my hand against them,
still I would feel the sudden threads across my face,
hear the tick of breaking strands,
feel the sticky tickle in my hair.
As I’d recoil to free myself,
I’d hit another.

Yes, they were busy.
But I still got a free harvest
of sour purple-blue berries
pulled from their red stems.
I boiled them with sugar
to obtain a bright elixir
And I felt rich
and grounded,
at one with the earth
on which I have a right to walk,
on which I belong.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 8, 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Other Plans

The world, as it turns out,
is not constructed with words,
not made of plans and cardboard resolutions,
Does not need to be specified,
evaluated, modified,
Nor do you need to make yourself fit in it.

The world has its own logic:
Cleave to it!
It will take you through soft, cool hollows
and up and down along the curving ground,
Sunlight will strike you,
and shifting shade,
and you’ll be enchanted.
You’ll find your hunger sweet
and its fulfillment
more delicious than you ever could prescribe.
You’ll find everything you need,
even the meeting of your need to give.

It isn’t, as it turns out,
something you needed to design
or could have forced to come out differently.
Live in it!
It will take you in its arms
and you’ll be glad,
for it was made with you in mind.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 6, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013

Let Go

Every child of Life
if free to move
will home unerringly —
some in a direct line,
some with wild and bouncing flailing,
ranging off in many far directions,
needing to stretch out, to try
the whole span of the force —
needing to feel the centering pull
assert itself against their surging motion.

Let them free —
They all will come home,
though you can’t know their course,
and maybe they won’t either.
The law that constitutes them,
the force that animates their core,
the Love that owns them
will guide their way.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 5, 2013

Sunday, August 4, 2013


The roots of your connection
go down deep —
Like comfrey, they reach into the subsoil,
pulling up the minerals
that rise from ancient bedrock.

Whatever artifice has been applied,
whatever degradation of the soil,
you are equipped
to tap the primal nutrient
and bring it back
into the cycle of life.

Don’t ever think that you can be defeated —
Like comfrey, if they chop you,
you will come back stronger,
by virtue of your simple insistence
on the right of life to thrive,
and of each living thing to manifest
just what it is —
not made for any purpose other than its own
and its essential link to everything.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 4, 2013

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Summer Snapshot

It’s spider season
which may not help against aphids.
It’s a time when beauty pushes
against the back side of my eyes,
suggesting tears —
Beauty of guitar sound through the open window,
cloaked enough by outside noise
to only come in snatches
that remind me of the boy inside,
bittersweetly soon to leave for college;
Beauty of slightly drought-stressed flowers
heading towards seed.
It all looks rather wild,
and the yield is less than perfect
but the bees don’t care.
Lazy beauty of summer
leaves me with some scarcely defined longing —
Maybe the plants can understand it more than I,
Maybe the crows know.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 3, 2013

Friday, August 2, 2013

I wish I knew this twenty years ago (but maybe now will do)

I can’t make anyone do anything
and there’s no reason to want to.
I can’t determine someone else’s quality
or what their proper course in life might be.

My best engagement is to watch in awe
and then join in,
my rhythm and my melody in harmony
with what another’s life is singing.

My best course is
to feel how life moves in me
and how it deftly guides my action,
and to be at one
with that bright, liquid essence
that always finds its perfect place.
This is the way I’ll give the blessing
I most need to give;
this is how I’ll find my promised grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 2, 2013

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Hard work can make my mind go blank —
a pleasant wordlessness
of well-used muscles,
the satisfying glow of tasks completed.

I took my emptiness
out to the counsel of the cloudy sky
where trees, assembled, 
marked their soft assent
to what the night would bring

The sound sphere was inhabited
by freeway’s roars and passing planes,
gravel turning under wheels of cars,
the parting barking of dogs
before they went indoors,
the final squawk of random birds,
and the quiet chink of wind chimes near the house.

All’s well.
The night will come
and we will sleep
while trees stand guard,
and in my dreams 
or in the early light of morning
may come my words’ return.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 1, 2013