Wednesday, July 31, 2013


The evil beast will get you if it can.
Bear in mind:
It doesn’t have your interests at heart.
If you plea for lenience,
if you consent
to be at its mercy,
if you let it choose the rules,
it won’t choose in a way that favors you.

Stand up! It’s in your nature
to set the boundaries for your life,
to determine who you are
and what your heart designs.
It isn’t your nature
(despite the claims the beast intensely makes)
to let external arguments
define your place.

It may use a smooth and syrupy voice,
but never think
that what you want is sleep,
that you prefer to let what’s done to you
define you.
You know who you are
and you are called, right here, right now
to be that being,
to live your own unique, exquisite truth,
to hold firm in your singular perception
that balances the turning of the world.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 31, 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Walking here
I have to admit
I don’t know anything —
Nothing I could package
and deliver as a
Thing That I Have Learned.
I have no map for myself —
No one’s words hover at my shoulder,
especially not my own —
no conclusion I can make,
no lesson I can take from here on forward.
In what way can I say I know anything,
of life, of love, of death?

Yet when I close my eyes
and follow my breath
into the undergrowth of dream,
I feel like a wilderness
and it feels good.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 30, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

To Chris: Angel Wizard

It took coming together
to know
the gift of your questions —
to see how broadly they were cast
and how we each,
from our deep longing to be heard,
were so enchanted —
sweet that you should ask,
sweet that you should listen
with such articulate and cogent interest —
the light so thrown on us
that (what now seems surprising)
we never thought to ask about the source —
that unassuming shining
that reached out to hold us up
and make a structure
in which we held the love
to keep you safe.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 29, 2013

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Hold my hand,
for we are spinning
and I feel the power
of the centrifuge:
We could scatter,
we could be adrift,
we could grow cold.
Hold my hand
and we will be a wheel,
Hold my hand —
we’ll be a constellation;
With the force
of our collective gravity,
we’ll keep this warmth;
With our collective radiance
we will cohere.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 28, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Moment of Silence

(for Chris and Aviva, or maybe for the rest of us)

A moment of silence
for the parting of worlds,
a separation I don’t understand
though it is frequent —

It’s like when a stone
drops into water —
the ripples spread out on the surface
as the water is opened
and then closes
with the blip of its round edges
coming back together

But the stone is in a different world —
the medium is thicker
and it falls more slowly
down and down
even as our marking of it
moves out and out

I can only imagine them —
all the edges of awareness
keenly open
as they enter
the next adventure,
perpendicular to that which we perceive.

A moment of silence
to let the stone fall through,
and feel the ripple.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 27, 2013

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Living at the cambium

I start to understand
living at the cambium —
that thin and vibrant layer
between structure and protection
where everything is new-born
and anything can change

I may have viewed my life
projected over time
as some determined specimen
which could be judged and graded
and would end

But here in this experience
of ever-new creation
in the eager greening 
before the form —
this place of generation
which pushes out the growing tips
and thrives,

There is no noun of me,
no stepping back for an assessment,
no self-image, nothing to defend,
just this new greenness,
this reverberating verb, 
the forming of a now that never ends.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 25, 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Turn Away

Turn away —
Do you have to see each hook,
each place along the ladder
where each of us has been
so deftly tethered?

(Most of us don’t even try
to find release,
deeming the resulting fall
too perilous a risk)

Turn away,
for you don’t need to fight the structure,
You only need to cease to give it life.
Turn away
by turning towards your truth, your love,
Walk there
and all the hooks will fade.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 24, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Though you can’t bet
on this or that falling ball —
where it will land in the bell curve,
and you can’t count
on this or that seed —
if it will grow, if it will bear,
You can still count
on the filling in
of every niche
till every need is met.

It is the law of water,
it is the law of love
that in the snowmelt,
though some places
thaw more slowly,
every channel will deliver
down the mountain,
with mounting joy,
the full reward
for winter’s meditations.

It is the law of truth
that with abundant acts of life,
some will sprout,
enough will bear,
and you will be sustained.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 23, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013

Your mind is fine

I invite you to consider:
If you ever felt stupid
because of something
you couldn’t grasp,
however often people hashed 
through explanations,
Perhaps you couldn’t get it
just because it made no sense,
and where you stood,
you couldn’t see 
the flattening
that lent a sense 
of contiguity,
or how others could think
that it was clear . . .

And even if
no words arose within
to clarify your reason for confusion,
it still revealed perception
of something left unheeded,
a missing piece of something
maybe you could sense was needed.
Your mind is fine
and it will guide you,
if you give it rein,
into your truth.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 22, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

No Regrets

No regrets
for life falls like water
down its course —
The same law always pulls us,
The same law always rights us —
What we choose in any instant
is the product
of precisely where we were,
and from precisely where we are
we always choose
what seems essential

No regrets
in the wild space of now,
suspended in air,
in vapor or in free fall,
in current or in back flow,
or sucked up in the taproot of a plant,
We still are held
in Life’s law,
and Life will always see us through.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 21, 2013

Saturday, July 20, 2013

This is real

We will seek the place
where our hands can tell us:
This is real —
This is the deep soil
that clings in fingerprints,
that insists on connection;
This is the hidden liquid
that rises up through stems and leaves,
its constant, unseen circulation
the standing wave for all the green of life;
This is the spark —
electrical and necessary interchange
that makes us sure
we are alive and needed,
Where our hands and hearts can tell us:
This is real.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 20, 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Tutelage of Life

The garden and I
start to blur our edges
as I lend it my substance
and it feeds me:
Weeds become harvest,
Crucial factors, before inscrutable,
become apparent

From humility
arises mastery,
From tending ground
arises groundedness,
From placing myself here
in the tutelage of life,
I find my native stride,
I find my place.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 19, 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Law of Life

There is no wiggle
in the law that holds you,
no way to fall out of the cause
of your every movement,
no way not to be swept
in the wheeling intricacy
of the cosmic dance of all things.
No way not to act
according to your nature,
as simple as the goodness
of each intention,
as complex as
the allness of the law.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 17, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Still Point

Seeking stillness,
seeking coolness,
you sink gratefully
into the center point
where everything expands
in endless depth,
patterns and colors
incidental to the clear focus
as the stillness opens on and on —
round sound welcomes you in,
with ample room for echoes.
There is as much time here
as it ever takes
to coalesce, to find home,
to be reborn.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 16, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Good Times

We came riding down
chutes of laughter
like kids on a water slide —
great swoops of bright sound
cascading and splashing
and we felt renewed,
and we set each other off
again and again,
perhaps less for amusement
than for how it made us feel —
ready to scamper around
and up the ladder again.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 15, 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Sound loves hollows —
deep bodies of cellos,
silver shafts of flutes,
wet echoes of tunnels
and the ever-longing span
between the heart and throat

In the roundness of the cavity —
concave convergence of the waves —
the sound can dance and dance 
and gather strength
till it emerges, pure and confident

Some hollows must remain unfilled,
must wait in ready emptiness
to send the sweet song 
down the cove of deep desire —
must welcome it in circled emptiness
a steady vigilance
that holds the still
that gathers joy.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 14, 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Thermal Mass

In this shared center of ours
there is a warmth
stored from holding hands,
and all those confidences,
all the smiles and laughter
and deep recognition

It is a warmth
which, in the cool of evening
radiates a comfort
that draws us ever more together

We will use this principle
in our design —
the one that offers home
for many people,
the one that uses what we are
to generate what we can give
and multiplies what we can give away.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 13, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Desire as Prayer

The strait and narrow way
is made entirely of yes,
and so, to know my yes
is my salvation

Desire is prayer,
and here is my desire,
uncensored and unspoken,
only understood
in the resolution of my heart,
the longing of my soul, my lips, my skin

Here is my prayer
answered in the gravity of being,
the seated ground, centripetal cohesion
in which I am aligned with all I am

Though I may have no words
or even images,
no explanation of what this might be,
I feel it here, with all of my existence:
Prayer is answered;
this desire
will keep on guiding me.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 12, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Last Light

The last light of the sun
shines window panes and tree limbs onto walls
which shimmer golden
in its lingering touch.
Tall trees, too,
find themselves blessed,
kissed against dramatic eastern skies —
a flush of farewell purple
suffuses everything
before the cooling hush 
of day’s goodbye.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 11, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The way it has to be

Life is life —
in every place it finds itself,
it has one goal:
to live —
And living is the grace
of making more life,
more branching life-ways,
more ways more life can thrive.

You are life,
and you have always, always
let yourself be borne
along the course
of Life’s enduring flow,
effortless, inexorable
in your resplendent gravitas

No false stories
can divert your motion,
compelled, as you are
by Life’s law:
You will grow,
and you will bring with you
lush gardens,
rich communities,
deep fecundity
of soil and seed —
so much fruit will come
so naturally, from what you bring,
from your saying yes
to what you are.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 10, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Let me release myself
from structures that have washed away my depth —
the headlong chutes 
of expectations and assumptions,
and criticism’s unforgiving hardpan.
Let me take time
for Life’s slow flow —
luxuriating stretching of connection —
nourishing exchange of living substance.
Let Life’s structures grow
according to the rules
that Life alone can set
and let me fill my tiny place
in this vast net
that holds us with a closeness
that we’ve always craved,
for here, in Life’s embrace, I will be saved.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 9, 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013


There’s much more room
here in my mind
than I thought,
for any one of these doors —
any one of them! —
can open,
and each one opens to infinity.

This room I may have thought
was my perimeter —
closed doors marked as places I can’t go:
people I have deemed unlike me,
people I don’t know —
I can open these doors
(forgiveness somehow seems to be the key)
so all that light
floods in

And where before
I was blocked off,
now I have a vast world to explore.
Love, as it turns out,
is not linear —
it radiates
in an expanding sphere.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 7, 2013

Saturday, July 6, 2013


I say yes
to your innocence,
to your innate beauty,
to the rightness of your purpose.
to the clarity
with which your essence —
from the sub-molecular on up —
informs your wholeness,
impels your action
in the perfect dance of service
where you feel
so providential,
so propitious,
so graced to be able to give
that which enables the loop of life
to thrive

I say yes to you
and nothing —
no phantom shadows of supposed necessities,
no lies about your substance or your motives —
can blind me to the truth of who you are.
I say yes,
and in this vast permission
there’s enough room
for your magnificent infinity
to be expressed.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 6, 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013


We will slide
with the weight of water
out from the grasp
of all that sought to hold us.
We will collect in pools,
we will run in rivulets,
very quietly at first.

We will hide
in soft hollows
and be taken up by roots.
We will engage in cycles
that can’t be regimented.
We will use the tools
that can’t be taken from us —
gravity and surface tension,
super qualities inherent in our molecules.

Without our presence, all the structures —
every edifice of fear and guilt,
all the avenues of shame and blame,
all the lies that say we need their toxic brew —
will tend towards dust, becoming very dry,
will grow more brittle, and will start to fail.
It won’t be long before they blow away
and cease to plague our world.

We will slide softly
but with growing power.
We will build with what’s alive.
We’ll own our moments
and claim our hours,
and in our reclaimed truth,
we’ll thrive.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 4, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Dream

The power started calling.
Its lines were well-developed —
vast networks underground —
and it started calling her.
Its call was stronger, more persistent,
than the voices of caution,
the voices of fear,
that said
this is not human,
you would betray humanity
to take it up.

And she knows she has to do it
so she goes —
follows its direction down suburban streets,
finds the corner place and reaches down
to heft the golden bricks.
The power comes up out of the earth
in swirls of white and gold.
A deep hole forms, and the swirls keep rising.
A woman in a windbreaker
stands beside her, resolute,
her jacket flapping in the rising of the power.
She says, But I need to stand in defense of love!
Don’t I need to stand in defense of love?
The voice says, Love doesn’t need to be defended.
She says, But I need to stand in defense of the earth!
Don’t I need to stand in defense of the earth?
The voice says,
The earth doesn’t need to be defended.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 3, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


(for Edward)

In the way that ecosystems climax,
You and I are most-enduring trees,
surviving fires, holding the soil,
spreading our crowns
to shelter and extend
life’s dear elixir

And you have been
my strong companion,
filling in where I have faltered,
anchor of my habitat
throughout the years.

In the way that Life designs us
brought forth where our purpose can be met,
So, now, I see it finds you
in the time where you’re uniquely set
to bless

It is my privilege
to witness you, and your unfolding,
and to hold with you
and keep on holding,
while all our former fetters fall away
and we stand splendid
in the dawning truth of day.

Happy birthday, love —

©Wendy Mulhern
July 2, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

A new way of looking at patience

Patience is knowing
that everything moves
in the rhythm of Life,
and every need is being met —
all the microscopic needs
in the give and take
that feeds each tiny mouth,
and the orchestrated needs
of larger systems —
great living networks
of realized mutual trust,
resulting in the intricately timed provision
of each response along the moving wave

And as this is the case,
Life’s essence operating
in every place,
it surely will continue
in the arc whereon you gaze,
anticipating some desired conclusion.
Grace is not capricious,
not the gain of luck or chance
it is the rhythm,
fractally repeated,
present where you need it —
it is the constant motion
of Life’s defining dance.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 1, 2013