Thursday, February 28, 2013

Portal Vision

I went through the portal
And now everything is different
Or maybe nothing has changed at all.

I see the vision
in the corner of my mind
And I can only approach it
if I treat it like a wild deer —
Don’t look straight at it,
Don’t move too fast,
Pretend to browse for food,
Go forward slowly, sideways,
Not with my attacking feet or teeth
but leading with my vulnerable side. 

It isn’t a wild deer —
It won’t bolt.
But there’s something about the focus
That won’t hold if I look straight at it.
It wants to come around me softly
And warm me from behind like sunshine —
Strong heat on the back of my ear, my shoulder
Melting my resistance.
It wants to glow behind me
And light up my path ahead,
Make a long shadow of me
to send before me like a scout.
It wants me to have this light
But always know
It doesn’t come from me.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 28, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Place of Need

How convenient it is
for me to croon about
holding angel presence
and moving out beyond a place of need
to a place where I can stand and give and heal!

How cherry-picked the role
of one whose challenges
have all been overcome,
who then can share her wisdom
to the good of all the world!

How bogus to imagine
I could somehow cease to need,
when Life has set us 
in this web of caring,
where every strand 
is tied up with the others,
so that we breathe and rise and fall together.

And I, I’ve fallen prey
to this same trap before
and laughed about it afterwards,
as if that time I'd finally
outgrown the childish tendency
and wouldn’t be so foolish anymore.

Ah! Have mercy! 
Please forgive me, be my friend —
Hold me up precisely when I’m laughable,
Keep your vision of me
based on what your wisdom holds,
Now and when I tumble here again.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 27, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013


I find myself collecting these family times
like sunshine,
basking in the glow of evening lamps
and in the mingling sounds
music on the radio,
dinner preparation,
the squeaking rocking chair,
and snippets from a laptop —
Drawing warmth from our collective presence.

Knowing it’s as rare
as sun is in Seattle.
calling me to cherish it the same,
Entrancing with the shimmer
of that which is ephemeral,
Gone almost before it can be named.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 25, 2013

Sunday, February 24, 2013

White Noise

The page wasn’t blank from nothingness
But, like white light, white noise,
It was blank from all the disparate pursuits
that sent their separate threads across my mind,
Each tugging in a different direction:

The thread of memories and learnings
from recent days,
The thread of long exertion
sweeping needles off the roof
The thread of hopes and plans
for the not-too-distant future,
And needed tasks to make tomorrow
roll in smooth

Which all resulted
in a cancellation of the crossing waves
And the illusion of an emptiness
that really was a fullness
(and, perhaps, a need for sleep)
that kept my cogent thoughts from forming here.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 24, 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013


“What you seek is seeking you,”
And, across the open space,
is calling;
Strong magnetic signals
align your ions,
drawing you towards each other.

What you trust
can come with you.
That which has loved you
will always love you,
And in that love,
has earned the right to stay
steady in your heart,
To stand by you, and too,
to be supported.
What you’re seeking 
will not require you to be split,
or lost, or make uncaring choices;
It will augment in you 
an ever greater love.

That which waits along the side
and craves to bless
will find its blessing,
and in that blessing,
soothe and be renewed,
ignite its purpose in the good it does to others
For as it deeply gives,
it feels its value proved.
And in the work of love
each call for help is heeded
No one will be left out in the cold,
for everyone is needed.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 23, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013


In the shifty space
between the invitation
and the leap,
where possibilities, like magnets,
jostle with invisible forces,
jockeying to make the most appropriate alliances,
we wait.

At some point the field will clear,
the dance of alternate attractions
find resolve,
or not,
and we will stand or dive or tumble
into the decision,
carried on swiftly
in the river of time.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 22, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013


I am entranced
by my breathing.
It is like the surf
that flows in as a wave
but whose return,
steady but delayed,
entails a seething seeping,
down and in,
permeating, lubricating,
bringing life.
It is like the boughs of cedar
in the wind —
how they give and give
in gracious bend
and then return,
a calm reception and unspringing
of the wind’s impulse.
There’s nothing mechanical
about this body.
Its breathing makes it one
with the one sweeping flow
called life,
that owns everything —
galaxies and microcosms,
sands, skies, seas,
forests and rivers and plains,
and you and me.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 21, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I held myself open
and the currents coursed in and in
on waves of sound;
I let myself be incomplete
so Spirit could decide,
could take me,
use me in fulfilling its own ends.

I held myself open
and the uncompleted loop invited flow,
caught me up
within a larger motion,
beyond my thought of where I was to go.

This kind of attention —
How to follow
the impulse of the slightest nuance,
to feel the current so created
as a palpable connection —
Engendered unexpected exaltation.

There’s time to be open
And afterwards, time to close
in the grateful rest that plays back
the full glorious song of it,
Remembering it, integrating it,
Becoming whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 20, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Sun shines clarity
through every vision.
Painted interplay of light
along the walls
brings out relationships
unseen in shade.
Earth warmth makes spirits rise
like air
in soft molecular expansion,
a floating in of possibilities
unconsidered hitherto.
It is enough to be here
basking in the magic
of the moment
while potent promises join hands
in co-creation of the gracious day.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 19, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

Wake up

Wake up, wake up,
This is not your life —
It’s just that old dream,
The one that loops and loops
and never finds its resolution

Wake up, notice the signs
that this is just a dream:
The way you never get what you desire
The way it seems your only choice
is to feel empty
or fill the void with things you’re loath to do

Wake up — there’s more —
Your life is made
of stunning bands of chords and light
You’re vast as all those distant burning stars
Release this tiresome dream
and fill your sight
with what they tell your heart
of who you are.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 18, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

You Must Not Hide Your Power

No, you must not hide your power
Nor stuff it in a shell of smallness
in some attempt at bland conformity;
Must not succumb to thoughts that say
To cloak your power 
would make you more like others,
More acceptable, more lovable,
Deserving of more care —
That, to fit in, you must be small like them.

No one is small!
And you must not be fooled
by shells that make them seem so
or games that shells may seem to play.

If you stand up
And breathe into the depth
of your own power
You will awaken
a rush of recognition
And hear the ripping
of all the shells of smallness
Cracking open, falling off from all the others
Who each have found their power
And now step free.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 17, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dances with trees

       There is no shaking 
           this centered power
              It goes down deeper 
            than I can follow
         Its roots support 
     this soaring height
Accepting wind, 
  embracing flight,
       Swaying in the sun in exaltation,
                Singing out a constant invitation.
The channel flows
         from root to crown
      The surging quickness
    up and down
Unseen, but felt
  along the surface stillness
    Radiating warmth, 
      exuding wellness.
  There is no shaking
this centered power
 It courses through me
      It owns this hour 
         and in the tutelage of trees
             I find my ground,
             I hold my ease.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 16, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

After the Party

I came back feeling sullied
and it was my own posture
that had sullied me —
crept into my old closet,
pulled out shrunken, moth-eaten clothes,
clothes that had failed in the past,
that had been stained —
Where was I looking
that I didn’t notice
it had put them on me?
I let them mold me
into the old stance, became
the one who craves and measures,
measures and craves,
seeks a bigger share
while believing she deserves
a smaller one,
forgets to connect,
goes home
feeling desperately alone.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 15, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013


I will fly up quickly,
pressing my open parts forward
for maximum contact
against my source,
against the light that calls me,
that owns me,
that I know is mine

I will take in,
until the point of saturation,
all that bright liquid joy,
until it drips,
streams from me,
and I’m held at the quick
of the wick of non-consuming flame
that quenches every thirst

I will raise my arms
and turn outward
to see how we all have risen —
Liquid stars that call each other
across the intimacy
of boundless space.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 14, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bearing Witness

These hills will move
at your insistence —
Just take the path of least resistance;
Like water, flow along the deep lines
So everything that’s shifty
can be undermined.

No need to try to climb
the mounded layers of lies
Or build up planks on which to justify.
The earth adjusts herself;
What’s low will rise,
Rocks will settle, sands will glide.
The truth remains untouched by all resistance;
These hills will move
at your insistence.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 13, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Coming in out of the fog

It seemed, for a while
that my visage, too, was foggy;
me not quite solid —
not quite having the gravity
that draws momentum,
swings clearly,
finds spring and bounce,
sinks definitively
into its center

After a while —
A while of sleep,
to let my presence gather;
A while of leaving phantoms well alone
so they could slip away;
A while of not trying
to force my life colors —
of letting them rise
like streams, like tides —
Then the fog was gone
And I was home.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 12, 3013

Monday, February 11, 2013

How you are seen

We don’t need all your actions to be perfect
There could be broken lines,
uncompleted sentences,
Places where intention drifted
into non-action

We don’t need to see the whole arc
Indeed, we all are artists
with our eyes,
And expertly connect
the most barely suggested edges
into one whole picture
in our minds

No need, indeed no use,
for you to backtrack,
to explain yourself,
to fix your story.
It probably
won’t change our picture, anyway.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 11, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Spirit fills me in
Fills me up
Defines my line
Like cords of coursing water
hold their form,
rope-like in the flow
of falling river.

Spirit fills out the net
of my connections
Holds the weight of me and everyone
So we can twine together
Perfect and symmetric
No heaviness to drag us out of shape.

No need to tend the strands, the knots
To see if they are safe and strong,
for Spirit holds us all along
and never lets us fall. 

©Wendy Mulhern
February 10, 2013

Saturday, February 9, 2013

More storms

There have been blizzards before.
Cold nor’easters have blown through
Dumping snow on the city.

There have been storms before —
Harsh winds of regret
Hurling memories back and back
against the walls of thought
Swirling re-imaginings
of how it should have gone.

They say the shift in climate
Makes for fiercer storms —
More frequent and pronounced circulation
of all that water. 

They say the shift in consciousness
Brings up these storms
So they can fall away —
Emotion rising up
before the clarifying of the field.

Afterwards, snow angels
May be revealed.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 9, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

A small day

It was a small day
In that all the holes were smaller:
There was no gasping
No gulping
No engulfing
No ragged rims
No yawning gaps
No giving birth
No daring whims
No stretching thin
No bursting forth
It was a more fine grained
More staid kind of day
Too small for triumph or trauma
Nothing to write home about,
Grandmother would say.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 8, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sound Current

I come aware
of the river of sound
flowing through me
and its currents
all around
singing to me

I dip my face in,
Fill my throat
with sweet music
Warble it out
Let it quench
my constant thirst to be in tune,
Let my bones hum,
my heart descant 

I roll and dive
in its bright curl and tumble,
Luxuriate in its exultant presence.
It bears me up, enlivens,
teaches me
It takes me homeward
to infinity.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 7, 2013

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Here is the spiral that goes down
All the way in
Curling with you
the way you want to curl
Infinitely deep
till it touches
that point of satisfaction
where you wanted
to be touched

Here is the holding with you
that doesn’t care
what you said
That lets the hurled words
fall off like froth
And moves along the deeper layers —
the need beneath the words,
beneath the thought

We have all the time in the world
All the time to be comprehended
Down to the core
All the time to let
exquisite balance
assert itself
In which we can unite
in silent gyroscopic spin.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 6, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Going home

I was driving home from dance
and the traffic lights
(red, also in the random droplets
on my windshield)
swayed in the wind —
A gentle undulation
in perfect time
with the shimmery piano music
in my car.
And I could see the music everywhere —
In the slow glide of lights,
and the orchestrated movement
of the traffic.
And in my breath
was the scent
of many people
with whom I’d shared the magic
of the dance.
Going home,
and taking with me
what my body, grateful,
once again had found:
The matrix of connection
and its sweet embrace
that holds us in the music
all the time.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 5, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013


I don’t want to ever again
amid the rocky mazes
of social mores
Or ever bark my shins
against my own obtuseness,
My failures to anticipate
how something I might say or do
may have a bad effect
on someone else.

The tide has risen
and I now move
in a different, kinder medium
Where, in the main,
my weight is born
by that in which I swim
And the soft currents we create
uphold a natural coordination.

I will insist on moving in this ocean.
If, again, the tide goes out
and if I find myself
marooned amidst the ruins
of expectations,
I’ll stay still and watchful
Tenacious as a mussel
till the tide returns
and I can swim again.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 4, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013


By your light I am illumined,
By your grace, I’m magnified;
By the gift of your unmuted shining,
I’m enriched beyond all swift surprise.

By your listening ears my voice is called;
By your dance, my eager spirit leaps;
To your song, my own tone rises up
to hum, to tune, to blend with your clear voice.

How can I then describe
what this has meant?
(A glimpse enough to open up a world)
— a treasure that I never could imagine
or invent —
Such wonder now evoked!
Such potency revealed!

©Wendy Mulhern
February 3, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

Reflections on being stood up by three different people who had made appointments to view our rental house

in your calculus,
may not be something that you owe
to strangers —
People you have never met
and may never need to meet,
if you turn out
to not require their services.

And maybe those who have it
know it’s more of something
that you owe yourself —
Integrity in how you interact with others.

I, too, was young once,
and inconsiderate,
and never wrote to thank
the lady who once put me up,
and then sent me a gift,
and I never replied.
I think I thought it didn’t really matter
since she was old
and likely soon to die.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 1, 2013