Friday, November 30, 2012

Falling to yes

There are so many yeses in this world
A yes to each cascading course of water’s fall
A yes to leaves surrendering to soil
A yes to seeds that nestle in for winter
to live the chill that later triggers them
to rise up with the upswing of the seasons

A yes to eyes that meet and know relationship
A yes to recognition of a kindred soul
A yes to dance
A yes to touch
Yes to the silent, smooth synchronization

Yes to your breath, yes to your voice
Yes to your fingers’ call
In a response that transcends choice
My body
says yes
to it all.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 30, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012


It is not fathomable 
to imagine you gone
though we see you little enough
in the small crossings of orbits
when we are all awake
and all here
and not sequestered
in our respective caves

When I think of you
out on your own
I wonder about your laundry
and your innocence
I want to wrap you in a cloak
that’s been too small for several years
Protect you
from a world I’m sure you think 
you know much more about than I do

I want you to soar free and far
I want your mask of self-assurance
to be filled out, from within
with trial-tested confidence
I don’t want the world to prove you wrong
I want the world to prove you strong

It’s not fathomable
to imagine you gone
So I will think of you
Somewhere, next year
Exploring some as yet uncharted here.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 29, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

If everything is made of thought

If everything is made of thought
Then there are no separate things
No rolly, clunky, cluttery things
No inscrutable, intractable things
Nothing to fall out of place
Nothing to fail to move

If everything is made of thought
Then there is no past, no gaping track
where things tore through the fabric
of our hopes and plans
leaving shreds along the course of time
No regrets and no alarm
No irreparable harm

If everything is made of thought
Then all these things
we think are non-negotiable —
the way things are, the way they have to be —
can really change, in any instant
Blink of an eye, awakening from dream.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Application Deadlines

You can’t make things be
what they’re not
You can’t make a stream
run faster down its course
rapid or languid as the fall line designates
You can’t make the clouds
configure themselves
into neat, ordered little puffs

And we can’t make our son
hop to, conform, align
when all his atoms stretch
along some still-unmarked direction
as he charts the constellations
of his singular universe

there will be hoops to jump through
See how he bends his lanky form
to condescending depths
and somehow manages to find some grace
complying with the needed tasks

Some things fall behind
and yet we can be sure
Everything that’s really part of him
will find a way to flourish,
to endure.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 27, 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Tonight’s gift

Translucent clouds blown from the north
across the face of the three-quarter moon
who sees them
bathes them in benevolence
as they pass before her face
making the sky milk-marbled
till they dissipate
revealing a single star.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 25, 2012

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Jacob’s Ladder

(Notes from the fifth seasonal five women gathering)

We fold and unfold and refold
Constant surprises of new faces
appearing and then hidden
reemerging later somewhere else
We see each other
We see ourselves
Faces that we recognize from now, 
and, too, from other times
We mirror, and are mirrored
And in the grand revealing of our paths —
our being, spread across a stretch of time —
Great gardens spring to life, to light
their fragrant blossoms sweetening the air

We are a circle
A circle of love and caring
A circle of women
Holding the safe net
we all jump into
Feeling the tug at the sides
as we hold each other up
Feeling our cords strengthen
in the stretch of the give and take
Feeling the ties of our intersections
hugging us close

We are angels
Ascending and descending
Bringing ourselves messages
and the dear assurance
that this land, this place
has been prepared for us
and we will inhabit it
and bring forth our fruits.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 24, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012


Retreated here from all activities
So many proffered offerings
roll by like water
The waves of doing things —
Fun and togetherness —
(photos as proof)
thunder over my head
and are gone
There’s hardly even
space for regret
deep, as I am
under the turbulence
where it is still
and I am still waiting 
for the internal calm.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 23, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Gratitude is stronger than pain
Like bright sunlight, it flows forth
Outshining the burred edges
of stress, of fear
of tiresome perturbations

Gratitude is stronger than the manager
Who posits reasons I must suffer
Bargains me away in its strong zeal for condemnation
Tells me why I must be being punished

Gratitude releases me
from the harsh sentence
cast by the rasp of complaint
on my day
Gratitude fills me,
Lifts me up, holds me
Sets me with grace on a lovelier way.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 22, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I like
the color that shows
between my toes
the warm burnished glow
of wood tone touched with orange light
which also laps its sumptuous tint
across my instep
and licks my toes, at their curling tips

No color stands alone
They all throw their reflections on each other
I see the orange, the green, the red
silent and smooth, caressing every surface
I gaze, transfixed
at what I would have called one tone
But they are many
All mixed
Repeated on my feet, the door, the wall
Each different colored thing
shares the same palette
to harmonize and unify them all.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 20, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Prayer for Now

In the deepening clarity
of your light
A new conception dawns
upon my sight
My focus shifts —
a sharper definition —
A measure of the pressure lifts
and I feel richer

There is no mindless wave
No storm
to roil me in its sharp relentless flailing
There is no course that I must follow
leading through a time of pain and ailing

The now belongs to you
And so, as well, to me
It is my nature to express it fully
Your law is steady, true
My being — peaceful, pure and holy
And all of my perception
must feel this and conform
My times are yours
and it’s your love
that holds me hale and warm.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 19, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Seeking Peace

Time to let the clamor cease —
all the chatter, all the different voices
who insist they have a right
to say their piece
Claim to speak for formidable forces

They don’t have a solution
They are only looping
words to give illusion of some substance
a sense of presence out of much rushing
But there’s nothing
Nothing true in anything they say

Spirit, tonight
You take over
Burn your clear light
through all my mental clutter
all that complains and mutters of discomfort
all that claims decline and disappointment

Instead, Spirit
You speak for me
You bear witness to the one
that you created me to be
Brimming with your power and your light
Shining forth your calmness through the night.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 18, 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Contact Improv

I took a class today and yesterday in a dance form called contact improvisation. One of our teachers said it always feels for her like a metaphor for life. I felt this to be so:

All that went before
belongs to us
And we can move
in the way of early life
Draping, oozing
Traveling along an impulse
that moves through bodies
as it moves through space
Wave on slow-cresting wave

The movement opens us to mystery
The fluid way to find our way in
Into the place of curling and curling
where we return
to begin

We start to feel
the coil that winds us
find its way to spring
We start to live
the settled surety
of this aliveness
Always knowing we belong.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 17, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

Cradling Prayer

Arms of Love
I see
how your hold on me
and on this house
so gently cradles us
and so allows
the meek and sweet emergence
of every heart’s desire
and each extending outward
of what we glimpse we are
Which, with the simple screen of your attention
You nourish and augment
While all our grinding efforts
and the fears and thoughts that block us
simply fall away into the void

And in your arms
we glow, we shine
Safe in this hallowed place
we snuggle in
and then reach out
resplendent in your grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 16, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

New eyes

Here our new eyes
(a coming into focus)
things we never saw and scarcely sensed
How things before deemed unrelated

So much here to see, to learn
New systems to divine, discern
New thoughts to send and watch return
So many new conclusions

A thing we’ve tried to sense by feel
which now our wiser eyes reveal
A new take on what’s solid, real
and what is just illusion

Our old eyes took in objects
Our new eyes reckon forces
and links and currents that connect them
to their power sources

So though we view the same terrain
our sight will never be the same
effected by a simple change —
the shift in what we note and name.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 15, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Prayer for myself

Fear not, little one
You aren’t responsible
for imaging yourself
It’s not your thoughts
that make you ill 
It’s not your thoughts
that make you whole
It’s not that you must find
some secret button to control
the things you feel and manifest today

The Love that heals you
is its own bright, steady source
It reveals you
and sets you on your course
And you can feel
its tender, cleansing touch
You’ll know it’s real
You’ll know it is enough
Fear not, for every cell of you is held
in perfect calm, 
serenely peaceful, well.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 14, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


So I want to tell you about this
This catching of my heel up
in the turbulence
The drag I felt
The downward pull so strong, so fierce
I thought it would engulf me

I want to tell you because then
I saw your face
I thought of how you’ve spoken
of waking to a sense of dread
I thought then
that I maybe understood

And when I took myself in hand
Began the fight
I felt you there
For you have fought for this before
So as I fought
I fought for you as well:

No, I won’t be taken in
I won’t succumb
I won’t allow the dread to win
in me or anyone
I’ll stand for me, I’ll stand for us
and when I overcome
I’ll bring the sweetness back for us to share.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 13, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Seeing each other

We come here in our chosen roles
Whatever we’ve decided to present —
The selves that we’ve assembled to display,
The stories propping up our self-esteem,
Our plans of how we’ll move and what we’ll say

We come here hoping
what we’ve made ourselves to be
will be enough
And that some transformation
will reach us through our tedium of stuff
We seek a blessing
while doubting it is something we deserve
We keep on guessing
what course will make us feel alive, secure

But Ah —
Despite ourselves
(and everything we hoped to hide,
so clearly seen by everyone who’s hiding)
Our precious souls shine through
And these
These souls, so holy
So wholly free from all regimes
that we or others have devised —
Since they are here
There’s nothing else remaining.
Like dust, like ash, like smoke
those old self-constructs blow away
And so we see each other as we are.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 12, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I Am

If indeed I am a galaxy
in this broad space
My care embraces much —
Planets in their orbits
and the dance of stars
and all their swirling movement
ordered by the law
unerring and eternal
of I Am

I Am speaks in calm and potent clarity
Nothing moves outside its present current
Everything within it wheels
in sparkling and majestic power
Everything is cared for and is held

Its course projecting outward
Its harmony unchallenged
The waves of pulsing energy
defining its domain

And I need never think
that I am weak, inconsequential
A pawn in chess games
moved by meaty hands
For if I am a galaxy
My center spins out worlds
that fill the grand design 
this truth demands.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 11, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012


We are not hardened yet for winter
though it is November
and trees stand almost bare
and though each day is noticeably shorter
The frost on roofs this morning
met us unprepared
Our bones felt cold,
our flesh tensed up against them

We are not hardened yet for winter
though it’s not as cold as it will get
We have the heat turned up
inside our cozy house
And we turn back like cats
when we go out
No saunters on the sand today —
A brisk walk is required
And even short forays outside
have left us tired

We are not hardened yet for winter
But soon
we’ll open up our doors to what it gives
Feel the brisk cleansing of its mountain breath
that, summoning our inner fires,
calls us to live.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 10, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Freedom to Marry

(Regarding Washington State’s passage of Referendum 74)

Today I’m breathing freer
because Tuesday
We pushed the sky
up a little higher
So there’s more room to breathe together
in this tent we share
There’s a larger space for all of us
to celebrate care

And we move a little closer
to the understanding
That every love is sacred, holy, good
And every love commitment
is a wonder and a gift
that warrants open honor and support

And we move a little closer to the proving
That law is never properly tyrannical
That we can trust our inner truth to guide us
And don’t need to be pushed about externally

And love is love whoever does the loving
And we need more of it
and never less
And each of us can know
our love is beautiful
In each relation bringing out the best.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 8, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Vision Prayer

Spirit, today
You can have my eyes
Hold them holy
Guide the light they gather
Give them focus
Let them synthesize
the clear truth you display
Let them harmonize
the elements of your day
Let me empathize
with everyone I see
So that I understand
your comprehensive ownership of me
The way your grace illumines
everything I know,
all that I am.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 7, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Preparing for a storm

We have done this many times before
Set our house in order
Hunkered down
Loose ends put away
Extra anchors set, and ties
to hold down everything 
that could be borne away

Most often it has passed us by —
The next day dedicated
to putting all things back to order
Reopening, resetting our displays
The busy tasks fast filling up our days

But this time could be worse
Thoughts turn toward cyclones
Making us stay low
While yet we scan the sea, the sky
Tsunami warnings urging us
to go high

And we can’t know what we will do
if suddenly our landscape is completely changed
and all the things we trusted to are gone
and we become
like all the other sufferers
who don’t know how
to claim the rights we took for granted
until now.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 6, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Guidance Prayer

Today, Spirit, I entrust
all my thoughts to you
because I must —
I know the courses I have run
have many sinkholes, many ruts
And if I set out on my own,
their deep-worn tracks
will ever thrust me
down the same false paths again

Spirit, today I float
with your calm breath to guide me
Hold my quiet hope
a growing light inside me
Let your wisdom cope
with every maze my thought may chase
Let me fly with you
Impart your grace
Wean me of those old recursions
Make me new
Let me be your mirror, through and through
Let me grasp, in this and every minute
your vast and shining world
and my place in it.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 5, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

America Blues

You only lose if you lose heart,
I told him —
It was a good Sunday School lesson,
and he agreed
He’d seen his teammates flag
but he had rallied
Made five goals to bring his team up to a tie
(being a better shot than many seventh graders,
he confided.)

You only lose if you lose heart
And here I am
In the face of all these lies
that up to half our country
seem to have swallowed
And the bought campaigns
meekly reported in the news
as if they were legitimate

And I am at a loss for heart
All the deep sighs
that keep escaping me
And the head-bowed stupor
that keeps engulfing me
And my feeble protest
as if someone would hear
Will do no good
If I’m to help us rally
I need to find my heart.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 4, 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Night Walk

In the space between our palms
(our fingers clasped,
 our slightly swinging arms
familiar and enchanting as we walk along)

In the space between our palms
there is a world
Contained, enclosed, but infinite
in its scale
Planets glide around small stars
Warm energy converges in the center

And messages can be conveyed
across the sphere
Not words, not anecdotes
not concepts and conclusions
not tasks or resolutions
but something better
The simple joy of being here.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 3, 2012

Being You

This is such a simple thing
No pressure to perform
No criteria to meet
No selective judgement
Nothing that you need to measure up to
No one to be measured up against
No grade, no quota, no one better than
the simple act of being who you are

No voices, from outside or from within
can coach you to the center of your being
But all your yearnings lead you there at last
The place you can look out from, clearly seeing

Your truth delivers you
Gives you the lens to find
The simple core of home, the clarity
that frees your mind.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 2, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Internal Tapestry

We begin
with music-indexed memories
Scenes and signs that rise up with the songs
Laid down on their strains
Returning faithfully
every time the song is played

We add
Impressions from the day —
The rain outside,
The cozy orb of home,
Companionship and tasks,
The texture of our efforts 
and the thoughts that group around them

This becomes
another layer on the songs —
will mix with older memories:
Next time we play them
these images will surface with them, too
So the colors deepen and grow richer
So the days add flavor to our view.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 1, 2012