Sunday, September 30, 2012


We are apprentices
to the master ocean
and the master rock shore
performing their dance
in this moment
and in geologic time
The rock turns the water
The water carves the rock
One thunderous curl at a time
While the rock trains it
in swirling, curving arcs

And every move they do is beautiful
The swishes and the swift, explosive leaps
The whirlpools and the rolling falling back
The graceful movement of the currents
rendered still in caves and crevices of rock
We watch, we feel, we are filled
Leap with this power, are carved
by its insistent roar
Find ourselves deepening
opening out
Learning the logic of waves.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 30, 2012


Our union was like
Ocean . . .
Ebullient waves coming
in and in and in
Flipped and turned by rocks, diverting
Cross waves rolling in on top of others
Circling, turning
Flowing back, down and down and down
into the place they meet
the flow of other waves
Fold on fold of froth, pristine and soft

Each one in its time, none in a hurry
Time to find each crevice in the rocks
Time to curl around inside them
Time to flow like waterfalls returning
On and on until the next wave’s crash
White spumes leaping
Water heaving, churning

Our breathing and our flowing 
was like that ocean —
So many separate infinities
crossing one another in a timeless rhythm
So much life, such presence
Such imperative of motion
A place we shall return
time and again.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 30, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012


There is evidence of kindness everywhere
In the undercurrents of life
the breathing and the circulation
the giving and receiving
the ebbing and the flowing
providing every need

There is kindness in the stillness of the stars
and in the waxing moon
and in the season’s turning
Soft fall of darkness
and the leaves’ returning
to the earth

Everything that sets out
comes home sometime
As sure as breath
As sure as tides
It finds its place
in the matrix of kindness
It finds its welcome
rejoins its own.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 28, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012


This gift was forged
In the inimitable act of life
Nothing but life’s intense volition
could bend its forces to such structure,
craft this compact, spiraling container
to fit so neatly in the currents that surround it

Only the imperative of life
could call this genius forth
impel the mastery of this design;
Though it is tossed here empty
we see it still
calling us to wonder:
Long after life has left it
the impress of life’s essence stays.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 27, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Kin fits in skin
Within my ken
With what I can
Those of my home
My folk, my clan
It’s what I know
It’s what I am

Kin kindles kindliness
My kind, like-mindedness
Conscious connectedness
Seeking and finding

So may my circle
Contain all the cosmos
Its sphere as my realm
And its oneness my center
As large as awareness
As cozy as kinship
Here in sweet presence

©Wendy Mulhern
September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Thirty Years

(To Edward)

Thirty years
and we are like
the newlyweds we seemed to be
back then
when hope stretched out across the span
of inexperience

Excitement for the joining 
and the journey
fueled those early times
Propelled us through 
the doubts and disappointments

In some ways
our love has grown quietly
like the pine beside our front door
from its sapling start to where
it towers above the house
It didn’t happen in one day
but after time
it stood as if it always had been there
Inimitable sign of long duration

In other ways
our life has brought our love 
through metamorphosis
The eager feeding of those early years
replaced by quiet inwardness
(though still the growth continued)

Till now
when in these bright monarch days
Our love has re-emerged
its colors shimmering
We feel it flexing
strong brilliant wings to lift us
to new vision.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 25, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012


Everything is holy —
Fine veins along the backs of fallen leaves
The scent of fall they silently release
The light that paints in stripes and shapes
Familial closeness in a grove of trees

Every cell is holy
Each one integrated, each aware
Each breathing in this moment’s dance of knowing
Imparting, down the networks of its joining
the never-interrupted arc of care

Every breath is holy
Braiding, in its cyclical alignment
connection to the deep, pure heart of being
Each curls in currents 
that thrill me alive
And every entwining 
can serve to remind me to

Find the flow of it
Not let go of it
Not let go of it
till I’m whole

Find the flow of it
Not let go of it
Not let go of it
till I’m whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 24, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Growing New

We made the choice
And where we could have called ourselves
Bundles of opinions
Past experiences, scars
Perspectives narrowed 
through the jarring course of years
Piles of restrictions growing larger daily
Needing soft accommodation for their weight

Instead we have decided on this:
To serve whatever is alive in us
To always focus on what’s growing
Leaving, rigorously, everything that’s dead behind —
opinions, patterns, prejudice —
And learning, every day
to be more supple

Should it then come as a surprise
to see our love so shining?
So new, so eager, so alive —
with grace and bliss entwining.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 22, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall Equinox, Home

My house is cozy
The warmth and the light of it
And the people in it
Our comings and goings
The comfort we give one another

My house is cozy
As the days retreat toward darkness
and the clouds close in
and the house sounds gather
behind closed windows
that muffle the ones outside

It’s a kindly enclosure
Softness and color
Sweetness and sustenance
Loving arms circling
each gift we each bring
All of our rays in concave concentration
magnify richness of home.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 21, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

You, always

The miracle of you
has always gleamed— 
Bright dash of grace and harmony
Invoking angels’ gratitude
And who you are
has always been
as deeply loved
as buds forming
deep within protective casings
deep within the Principle
in which they curl
and in the Love that orchestrates their unfurling
As deeply loved as baby birds
And the care they call forth
in their attentive parents
who may not know why
but certainly know their calling

And who you are
is hedged about
as tenderly
as night’s soft shade
encloses coming seasons
and day’s clear dawn
reveals the seasons’ coming
And who you are
can never be denied
For you were made
with such great joy
And you are celebrated
with such sweet pride.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 20, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tantrum in my mind

There had been a collision
There was trauma — of the peanut-butter-in-hair sort
There was whining and stamping of feet
and one who had retreated 
to a closet to cry
(with occasional backward glance
scanning for audience)
and one who was screaming
and one gnashing teeth
And the drama
distracted the onlookers
from the fact
that what was being asked
was not that hard
and patience was possible
and a good bike ride
putting miles between
the problem and the one who was
refusing to think
could be enough
to reset the scene.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 19, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Out of the prison

If we allow one prison
We are all in its clutches:
The threads from that one knot
in the system
Spread into the fabric
of everything we do
We know
that if we fail to toe the line, we too can fall
into the place where even the least decisions
are denied us

So we deny
in little ways
our own decisions
We let fear
do the deciding for us
Let those subtle shackles
creep around our ankles
till we’re caught

If there is a freedom
A place as small as a walnut
we discover in our hearts
to hold our soul
In that contained infinity
It can fly
Can gather energy
Can be, without becoming
in a place with no confinement
where no prison can restrict it
And so we
Delivered from the tyranny of prisons
can be free.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 18, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012


In the face of everything
we’ve been fed
Empty, deadening, toxic
I still affirm
We can know what feeds us

Despite the false choices
with which we’re inundated day by day
the cheap vulgarization of our triggers
the sea of trash that can’t be thrown away
I still affirm
We can know what we want

And though the words of love
have been so thoroughly misused
applied to tiny wicked shards
that cut us as they shine
made to divide us
where love most wishes to unite
We still will find
Inside, we know what love is
And it outweighs all the lies

And everyone who’s tasted love must give it
And in the giving, it will grow
Till more and more of us can truly live it
And every need will be well fed
in its bright glow.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 17. 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Regarding Hunger

No, really —
Who am I to write about hunger?
— I who have never been more than eight hours
without access to food?
Who am I to write about hunger?
— I who have always had time to search
for my soul’s fulfillment?

I can only say
There is a kind of hunger
that doesn’t go away
from having my belly full
There is a kind 
that grows in strength the more I feed it
And there’s a kind of satisfaction
that flies along at the exact place of its hunger
Soars in comfort
Meeting the edge before it cuts
Carving its curve again and again
like a cresting wave
Drawing a fine calligraphic line
across the page of days
Filling up my heart until it bursts
Warbling praise.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 16, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012


Sometimes I think
these currents
that run through me
have their own direction
Move along the lines
of some higher physics
Great coursings of 
a cosmic gravity
I neither originated
nor comprehended
till their sweep
pulled me into some deep purpose
drawing me along its will

And if I find that will becomes my own
It’s no surprise —
Such fulfillment,
such subsuming satisfaction
is not a thing that I could manufacture
When it rises
how could I resist?
—Sacred initiation into all that is.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 14, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Our New Story

We never
gave up on each other
Though our messages
between our universes
were so hopelessly distorted
maliciously, meticulously twisted
by forces that knew
our love would blow the sides out
of the boxes that constrained our power
thus destroying every mask of bondage
for us and also anyone who saw us

We never gave up on each other
Though we sometimes walked in silence
of despair from all the times
the message failed
We couldn’t give up on each other
For when you see another’s soul
You are compelled to hold it
Hold to that vision till you see it true
So we held on
till our lights
outshone the lies
and pulled us through.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 13, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


My truth is not betrayed
And though I trade
in things that can’t be seen
I am not fooled
What is not seen
can still be known
I hold my truth
and so I’m not shortchanged

I watched the whirling falling of the maple seeds
I felt the fall of other bits of husk
I saw the leaves, green on layered green
I felt the sun

My love is not betrayed
Though it be not reciprocated
Where my love is made
it will sustain itself
It settles
Finds its focus, finds its home
It falls like rays
It falls like light sifting
Illuminates the scene
and knows its own.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 12, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


This is our foundation
Octahedral core
Locked together in a structure
that stands firm
holding open
the arches of energy
so great currents
of light
of power
can spiral through
up and down

We stand here strong
Holding it
At one in our service
to the elemental rhythms
At one like the sides of an arch
Our love the keystone.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 11, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Coming Home

My longings set out first
some weeks ago, like clouds
wandering upon some wind
looking for the stream to bring them
where they wished

My thoughts came next
More efficient, they immediately
found themselves home
attended to the things they needed
word empowered, neatly ordered

Finally, my body makes the trek
It’s slow, but it’s learning
It can’t quite fly like longings
or just be there, like thoughts
Today, through flights and waiting
it makes its way

No longer a delicate package
prone to discomfort
which has to be managed
No longer an egg
with liquid insides that get shaken

My body is learning
to stream free in Spirit
to move with the currents
that move all the elements
Not yet proficient at getting there quickly
Still it will find its way home.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 10, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Nothing Shall Offend Them

“Great peace have they that love thy law, and nothing shall offend them.”  - Psalm 119:165

When you love the law of Life
You’re not offended
by Life’s bursting forth
out of all boundaries, all propriety
Loud, seductive, shameless
Always calling for more

When you love the law of Love
You’re not offended
by Love’s wide-armed inclusion
of everyone, everything
Never a need to have status, credentials
competitive edge, pedigree

When you love the law of Truth
You’re so full, each day
with the present dance of being
You have no time to be offended,
your every moment full
of living in the law of good.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 9, 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012


The wind is blowing
through the trees, through the masts
whipping up the water
It is a constant rush, a varying roar
a restless conversation
White clouds sometimes get spread
before the sun
their shadows swiftly borne
across the land, the water
It has been like this all day
Such power
Effortless, insistent
Pulled by some invisible, compelling urge
Through and through the hours

I know this wind
It’s not infrequently
it blows through me all day
Feeling of constant crescendo
moving me, lulling me,
sweeping me mystical
Bearing me off on a dream.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 8, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Drifting Off

I close my eyes
I turn my sights inside
It’s quiet here, and dark
and undefined
And in the open space
my mind
begins to map
its cryptic pictures on the outward sounds

Before I know it
it has rolled another landscape
across the blank terrain of empty thought
from which then sounds and voices may emerge
And so the dream is woven
and I’m caught
into a world which may enchant,
may teach
Or keep its latent wisdom out of reach.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 7, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ancient Ways

In my tribe 
the way it was
before the ancient ways were lost
to history, and to other tools
with which we’ve been subverted

In my tribe
each infant soul
was braided with such care
into the stream of all of us
that none was ever dropped or lost
and as it grew
each one learned its vital, pulsing rhythm
and its needed place
how to move strongly in the power of its knowing
how to contribute, how to own its name

So we were all 
united with the magic
and we strode along the elemental forces
and our hands knew how to bring
each fine idea to fruition
and our feet knew how to run the ancient courses

As they will again, as we remember
all the pathways of our common dreams
how to mirror forth our inner splendor
and braid ourselves together in the stream.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 6, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


They are pacing around inside me
though I am not moving;
Though I’m sitting still,
you may see the darting
of some of them
looking out my windows —
My desires
who have nowhere to go
till I get home

And they drove me today
to go stand on the dock
in the warm wind and rain
To dive in and swim
with purposeful strokes
not towards any destination I could reach

They drive me to cram delight
into these last days
They stretch me taut
and strangely brighten
the moments that remain
before our paths bring us together once again.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 5, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


This traffic
And this rain
And this pink-lined GPS
that shows me not moving
and may be telling me a bogus route
In any way
obstruct the truth
of who and what and where I am

I am here
in the presence of peace
in the unfolding of Life
which ever takes
every sunlit and rain-drenched shaft of straw
and weaves
shimmering resplendent gold

Gold of liquid joy-filled richness
Gold of fine illumination
Gold of glowing moments and their memories
Lifting lilting luminosity
into all that’s here
Holding it eternal
where we are.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 4, 2012