Monday, December 31, 2012

It’s time

OK, friends
OK, winds and clouds
OK, hidden sliver of silver sun,
Silent magic snow, birds warbling at dusk —
I’m ready for that miracle
Ready for some brightness
that I didn’t make myself
Ready for some joyful laugh
to overwhelm the trembling cusp of sadness
Ready for that surprising gift
of simple presence
to move me from this place
to where I flow again
Swift cascade of river
Leaping homeward
Singing constant
through the night.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 31, 2012

Sunday, December 30, 2012


In your gaze today, I felt
the difference it makes
How well we know each other
How deeply we connect
How thorough the acceptance
in our embrace,
The fractal path affection travels
in its love of every surface, every pore,
Making us impervious
to any judgement, any condemnation

How comfortable we rest
in the sweet cradle
of being wholly held —
So soundly integrated
So at one
with the vast, eternal orbit
that swings us charmingly
So we unerringly 
reverberate in tune.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 30, 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012

A good dance

Thank you for
the brightness of your eyes
and the sweet kinetic energy
that wrapped us
into one motion
swirling eddies of wind current
flowing through us
push and pull and contact
spinning and surrender
till the music changed

we closed our eyes
and you sent 
chakra opening light
through your fingertips
It was the color
of rose quartz
and I hummed
into your vibration
till the music ended.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 28, 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Walking toward the light

As we walked toward the light,
The things we were holding
in our hands
began to melt —
Intricacies of dreams,
Things we thought were so important
to convey,
Histories we felt
distinguished and defined us —
Rolling down our fingers —
Bright trailing drips —

We felt the coolness
of air on wet skin,
Swift intake of breath
at the freshness
As we,
Now empty-handed,
Reached our arms
into the glad embrace
of our whole

©Wendy Mulhern
December 27, 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


We are attracted
to the ancient woods
and to the ancient books
and to the words
that taste like stardust
timeless and mysterious

We are looking
for deep roots
and runes of truth
and something to remind us
of the way home

So long lost
in the ephemera of thinking
we are made of whim
of dust —
pawns in a creation not our own —
We seek the gravitation
that weights our essence
focuses our thrust

We keep on turning to it
Try to be still enough
to feel its pull upon us
to feel it guiding us
We keep on asking for it
We give it all our trust
We will surrender to it
because we must.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 26, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

End of Christmas

Day is done
What mark remains?
How was it distinguished —
What has changed?
Yes, we were happy
Relaxed in sweet togetherness of family
But have we yet gone deep enough
into the holy dawn?
Can any day contain the essence
of what must come?
Perhaps I’m called, each day
to lift the latch and enter
Abandon surface chatter
for the sacred center.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 25, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012


The touted need of dark to hide the light
has many ruses.
One of them seeks to define
the light’s uses —
tries to say it serves
(or doesn’t)
to bring advantage
in the twisted logic of the cruel games
that we’ve been duped to thinking
are our lives

Where to the light, there is no game
No win and lose
No rules, no shame
And as for dark
It has no teeth
and no desire
to hide the light.
It meekly waits —
Transparent depth
through which all light can effortlessly shine.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 24, 2012

The Light of Truth

Here in the still quiet
I can’t hold myself down too long
For all around me
Light rises
Like steady bubbles from underwater
Like steam from morning lakes

And no darkness can be amassed 
to stop it
And no denial can distract me
from the fact that it is here
Not a construct of my thinking
Nothing I, through will or thought,
can fail to see

The light is here
The only true fact of being
In all honesty
the only thing
we ever truly know.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 23, 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The New Day

Light glides instant
on the water
Faster than the waves
that catch its shine
flowing in their elemental course
along their necessary line

So impulse shoots across us
The call to go, to fill a need
We follow, undeterred by what might block us
Water-like, we find our way

This is the new day
Where we, no longer mechanized
No longer herded by our shame
No longer bound
Can rise to claim our right to bless
all that we love
with all we are

In the smooth liquid of this moment
We move
Led by light
Fed by what it gives.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 22, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter Solstice

On this sphere we celebrate
the slinging of our orbit
‘round the sun
The changes wrought in light and dark
As earth, like dreamers turning
rolls around its center, day by day

Surprising from a star’s perspective
that these recurring changes —
Minute murmurs of balance in a spinning top —
Should make such difference to us
Should stand as symbols for our faltering faith
And its rebirth —

Waverings unseen in star time
Where they wheel grandly
Shining ever steady and unchanged.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 21, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The realm of light

Though I have thought myself
A small puddle
Look how much sky
I reflect
See these deep-limbed trees
Reaching, now naked, into subtle blue
Dance of their branches weaving
Towards those distant clouds

Such a little patch of water
But how much brightness
Has found itself in me!
And if you look in sideways
You’ll see the scene extended 
beyond my edge —
Some vast inverted underworld
Suspended and inviting —
Another kingdom 
In the realm of light.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 20, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Arcturus and his sons

There’s no gap
Between what I want
and what I’m given
Between what I need
and present heaven

There’s no desire
that would conspire
to turn me from my truth
For truth and my desire are ever one

There’s no part of me
that’s separate from who I am
No part that needs to be expunged or changed
The Principle in which I am designed
remains the same
Holding my life, like all the stars
exquisitely arranged.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 19, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

One Thing

The things I don’t understand
are myriad
I forget that, sometimes.
I forget it when I’m flying
When I’m swooping
When I’m surfing on the joy of life

It’s when I find myself in the morass
Churning, flailing
That all my simple answers seem
like the fur of a dowsed cat
Exposing scrawny neck and bony frame
No longer capable of warming
Void of the buoyancy required
to lift me out

But then
Whenever did my flight
rely on my own knowledge?
Maybe it doesn’t matter
what I don’t understand
Maybe I only need to know
One thing.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 18, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Light’s drawing

Light draws me
I do not draw myself
These dark and awkward pencil jabs
don’t capture who I am

Light glides across
Illumines me
from any angle one might view
The lines I make are stuck upon a page
They can’t move with the day
so can’t be true

Light, draw me
clearly towards yourself
Be my life, my day, my song
I cast my foolish pencil down
to shine with you
where I belong.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 17, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Learning to draw

On this canvas of depiction
Forms are made of interplay
of light and shadow
Gradients from grey to black
and grey to white
Train the light to show a depth of landscape

Light behind or light in front
Shadow from above or under
Where the eye will go
is led by light and dark
Now mine to choose, to bring out, to discover

Such a simple touch
invokes so much!
I walk amazed
into the world my pencil has created
On such a tiny square
with so few strokes!

©Wendy Mulhern
December 16, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Time of lights

It could be Christmas
It could be solstice
It could be soft hope pumping
all but forgotten
Its steady pulse slowly reaffirming
to consciousness so long distracted
The light of our salvation
long through the dark enduring

Indeed, it is the darkest skies
that show the farthest stars
And deepest silence that reveals
the singing heart
It could be anywhere
It can be here
that sacred space is held
for the foreknown arising
of eternal dawn.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 15, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

For Carol

on her 80th birthday

It isn’t veneration 
But bright delight that you inspire
For how you step forth, new
Taking in each day
with readiness
to grow, to learn, to shine
to let yourself, repeatedly
be re-imagined
New-formed like every wave that greets the shore

And for the ageless, trusting innocence
with which you ride that wave
(of you)
Coursing down the crest
of all that you’re becoming

In the surging, swift aliveness 
that affirms you
You remind us
We can jump into that life
and surf with you.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 12, 2012


In this moment of bright sun
Lighting up the leaves and needles
Making clinging raindrops iridescent spheres
Painting shadows, elegant, along all northern sides
I must write quickly

Fleecy clouds that fly illumined
Dancing in their sudden splendor
Also form the vanguard of a darker front
In this moment
Smoke from chimneys joining steam
that rolls from sun-warmed roofs
Wet roads as bright as mirrors
Trees stretched out across a blue almost forgotten
I must write quickly
before it’s gone.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 14, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Another prayer of thanks

Thank you, Life, for showing me
what it is to love
To feel that bright, igniting joy
at someone’s presence in my days
And with each flash of love
be brought to life

Thank you, Life, for showing me
what it is to be loved
To feel that luminescent circle
holding me
Embracing me in tender, warming glow

Thank you for the shimmer of awareness
that I can always love
and reap the richness of that blessing
all the time

Thank you for the sureness
that I am always loved
And I can rest there
Everywhere at home.

©Wendy Mulhern

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I shall rise up

I shall rise up
Not with bravado
Not with self assurance, certainty
Not with something to proclaim to others

Before the rising there will be
A coalescing
A gentle gathering of many particles
A condensation and a flowing down
A pooling in the lowest, stillest place I am

And I shall rise up
Seed swelling, irrepressible necessity
will send a root first, downward as an anchor
And that in me which needs to feel the bright of day
will spring forth
to be greened.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 11, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012


It’s tragic
to fail to see
A magnificent creation of grace
A marvel of design perfection
A one-of-a-kind expression
of a truth so exquisite
There’s really no other way
to make it known
It’s a shame to just glance and say
Oh, there goes Sally,
There goes James.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 10, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fundamental frequency

Let me sink
into this hammock
This cocoon
This softly swaying place
Where my weight is cradled
by the kindness
of the force that holds me here

Let me swing
in the fundamental frequency
of that which breathes the cosmos
Singing me
as it sings the stars
Lullaby of motion

Let me fall
gently to my center
where the quiet pulsing hope
remains connected
to the universal light
and hums the harmony
of that great song
that carries me in sweetness
through the night.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 8, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wonder Vision

I put on the eyes that see colors
that see the depth and hue of shifting sky
That see the glow of things reflected off each other
Enchanting golds and oranges
softly warming planes and curves
Satisfying turn of shade
gracefully adorning trunks of trees

The colors stay with me when I close my eyes
Now free to recombine
like wind-tossed clouds
or frothing ocean foam
swirling and shifting
Now serving to refine
my understanding
of how the universe
breathing and lifting
gives  wonder to the vision of my days.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 6, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Releasing Light

In the enslavement 
to which we’re bound
(held down by loops of thought
cleverly designed to make us think
they are our own)
We’re trained we’re only due a little light —
Strings of little lights at Christmas
Rare and hard-earned smiles, short vacations
A glimmering of satisfaction
coming up through layers and layers
of drudgery
Only one love in life
and no more loved ones
than we can count on a hand or two.

Why not throw off the loops?
Why not abandon
the voice that says
“How dare you? How dare you think
that you could have some more?
Why not claim
for ourselves and everyone else
all the light —
All the light that we are!

©Wendy Mulhern
December 5, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I think your soul is beautiful
because you mirror me
I see myself seen in your eyes
and what I see you see is beautiful

I see your soul as beautiful
and can’t believe
the things you say about the dark inside
since they don’t match the light I see
when I see you see me

You think my soul is beautiful
Not for my native talents
Not for my hard-earned insights
Not for my steady tending, through the darkness
of my inner flame
But for the way I saw you beautiful
when you saw me
when I felt you knew my inner name.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 4, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Praying in the dark

Spirit, light, today I need
some warming core
some inner seed
some steady, peaceful, self-contained assurance
that all is well within, that my endurance
won’t even be stretched thin by these dark days
that that which rises up within to sing your praise
will carry me in joy along whatever course you choose
will bubble forth and grow more strong
the more it’s used
so glowing with a warmth
that I can feel and also share
thus showing forth your presence
here and everywhere.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 3, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Course correction

It’s OK
There’s more truth
in those three hugs
and their memories
than in all the dread
attempting to array itself
against your coming day
There’s more truth
in those strong smiles
than in the sense of many looming tasks

The truth in every now
outshines the constructs of tomorrow
There’s no trouble
that you ever have to borrow
Every moment
brings its own illumination
So you never need to wander
in the dark.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 2, 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Art Work

My head is full of colors
and my floor is full of scraps
Bright detritus from the pictures I’ve been making
And though I tried to stop myself
I kept on coming back
to the compelling concentration 
of creating

And the satisfaction fills me
like the vivid saturation
of the colors that I painted and cut out
And I revel in the evidence
of steady maturation 
of my craft, and the receding of my doubt

My mind is full of color
and it spills into the metaphors
for everything I’m thinking of today
And I think that when I’ve finished
and cleaned up all the paper
These internal scraps of color will remain.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 1, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

Falling to yes

There are so many yeses in this world
A yes to each cascading course of water’s fall
A yes to leaves surrendering to soil
A yes to seeds that nestle in for winter
to live the chill that later triggers them
to rise up with the upswing of the seasons

A yes to eyes that meet and know relationship
A yes to recognition of a kindred soul
A yes to dance
A yes to touch
Yes to the silent, smooth synchronization

Yes to your breath, yes to your voice
Yes to your fingers’ call
In a response that transcends choice
My body
says yes
to it all.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 30, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012


It is not fathomable 
to imagine you gone
though we see you little enough
in the small crossings of orbits
when we are all awake
and all here
and not sequestered
in our respective caves

When I think of you
out on your own
I wonder about your laundry
and your innocence
I want to wrap you in a cloak
that’s been too small for several years
Protect you
from a world I’m sure you think 
you know much more about than I do

I want you to soar free and far
I want your mask of self-assurance
to be filled out, from within
with trial-tested confidence
I don’t want the world to prove you wrong
I want the world to prove you strong

It’s not fathomable
to imagine you gone
So I will think of you
Somewhere, next year
Exploring some as yet uncharted here.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 29, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

If everything is made of thought

If everything is made of thought
Then there are no separate things
No rolly, clunky, cluttery things
No inscrutable, intractable things
Nothing to fall out of place
Nothing to fail to move

If everything is made of thought
Then there is no past, no gaping track
where things tore through the fabric
of our hopes and plans
leaving shreds along the course of time
No regrets and no alarm
No irreparable harm

If everything is made of thought
Then all these things
we think are non-negotiable —
the way things are, the way they have to be —
can really change, in any instant
Blink of an eye, awakening from dream.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 28, 2012