Monday, May 30, 2011

After the Dance

I feel somewhat shy about sharing this poem.  Though I have tried to get as many people as possible to look at my blog - alerting them to poems I have written about them - this one I will be quiet about.  The feeling too strong, perhaps; the danger of being caught gushing.  But I think it actually captures my true experience.

After the dance

The lift of life along my finger’s edge
sends forth a joy that flows up through my arms
with every surface sensitized, each movement led
by something holy, every footstep charmed
I come away at night in rapt communion
still preciously suspended in a web of love
still ringing, still held quiet in the chord of union
but reaching, soft, for what I’m thinking of:
to seek these friends beyond the open door
of dance, the place where now I see them shine
To learn the syntax of each life, and find
particularities of grace unknown before.
And so I humbly send forth my intention
to take these friendships to a new dimension.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 30, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Hundredth Post

This is the hundredth post on my blog.  Not the hundredth poem, as I’ve sometimes posted two at once.  I decided to start by quoting the hundredth psalm from the Bible:

Ps. 100
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. 
Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. 
Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; 
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. 
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: 
be thankful unto him, and bless his name. 
For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; 
and his truth endureth to all generations. 

Recently I have found great joy from the feeling that, rather than being comprised of a material body, my being is an impulse that moves along in waves of oneness with the harmony of the universe.  The more I look at the world, the more this seems to me to be so for everything I observe.  That is the subject of the following sonnet:

What we are made of

The world is framed in elemental waves
the vibrant patterns every movement follows
the undulations rolling through the forms
of squirrels, snakes, whole flocks of birds, one swallow;
The gracious give of tree limbs in the wind
the water’s lullaby against the shore
the ebb and flow of cricket song, the hum of bees
reverberating ring of crystals deep in caves.
We find these very waves define our arcs:
the impulse as we launch into our stride
is carried, wave on wave, as we continue -
harmonic pattern on which we then ride . . . 
How could we frame ourselves particulate
feeling these waves that all our moves articulate?

©Wendy Mulhern
May 29, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011


This is the place I need prayer more than poetry
listening more than expression
here where transmission is stretched and distorted
and practice is far from profession
The picture is lost in the turbulent medium
all I can do now is wait
seek the source, let it shine the true image out once again
in its original state.

Here in the stillness you need no bravado
alibi, justification
here you’re forgiven and freed for tomorrow
to ring in your purest vibration
So we’re restored, and so we will be
united in love, reconciled, whole, free.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 27, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Teachings Say

The teachings say
the secret of life is effortless
for love is effortless
it’s what you’re made to do.

The teachings say
attaining love is a struggle
you have to give up everything, every day
I believe these both are true.

Love is as effortless
as holding yourself open
in the searing fear
the roaring passage of thundering water
(or is it fire?)
To keep the membrane valve
from shuddering shut
against the pressure
of a change so large
there will be no words for it.

Love is as much of a struggle
as a quiet step through an open door
to a meadow of wildflowers and sweet grass
where the soft wind
lifts you like a kite
and trees sing your name.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 26, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


My garden grows in dashing weeds
purple, yellow, blue
their colors so exuberant
I can’t say no
scilla and forget-me-not
dandelion, buttercup,
fennel, winter cress
They clammer, gallop, swarm
and the planted things
lilies, asters, dahlias
fail to come up, or shrink
among the riot of flowering weeds
that have stormed my garden.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 25, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

For Scot

Sometimes a sorcerer
sometimes a clown
sometimes a child in deep wonder
raise up a magic orb
or tumble down
rolling in wild mountain thunder
forces - you hallow them
sources - you follow them
sometimes you know where you’re going
sometimes you’re lost
but you go forward anyway
moving in trust without knowing
So you commit to the moment - no monument
just what unfolds in right now
Thus you create from the spirit - no institute
just what this moment allows
Then we spin into
your silk-spun container
tossed in bright curtains of sound
You revel in rapture
invite transformation
while waves of connection abound
and in effort to really bless
dive into silliness
wallow in wackiness
settle for nothing less
Pass around turtle juice
help things get really loose . . .
Thank you for sharing your opus
with all of us.

Happy Birthday!

©Wendy Mulhern
         May 24, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Trust Fall

Fall into the field, they said
and let its fundamental frequency
align your life in harmony
All you never knew to hope to be
is yours. Just take it - go ahead.

Fall into our arms, she said
It is a way for you to trust your friends
We’ll brace together and we’ll catch you safe
A hug you’ll feel beyond the moment’s end
It’s in your heart, and also in your head.

Fall in love, I say.  Why not?
for love will catch you, sure as any arms
and love’s the field, if there is any here
In love you float beyond all doubt, all fear
The gift that’s always free, but can’t be bought.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 22, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Paradigm shift

So easy to set down the frames
of all whereby I have defined myself
my attributes, my limitations, names
and every boundary in which I bind myself
So easy now to leave behind my ego
and all the tortured games of win and lose
which I have come awake embroiled in,
as if from dreaming, nothing I would choose
So clear to me that shame has no more place
and there’s no me that needs to be defended
We move together flowing into grace
and grace moves us just how it has intended:
the ego’s dissipation and the soul’s increase
beyond all fear and into primal peace.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011


The temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. 
                                        I Corinthians 3:17

Come into my temple
Come into the body of my love
which is the tuning of a chord
that spreads its harmony
across the reach of space
and hums around you 
like a lullaby
and gathers you
(cry, or don’t cry)

Come into my temple
where you are hallowed
and your steps
call forth a rush of joy and wonder
at the gift you are
and what you bring
and let the oneness of our being

©Wendy Mulhern
May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


after dark
sunshine exacts its sweet toll
in currency of sleep
each coin glinting with the memory
of sun-soaked scenes
in golds and greens
each one heavy
pulling my attention down
into a pool of lassitude
where all intention melts
behind the pulsing 
of the heat returning to the night
rising from my skin
recounting every moment
drawing me in.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 18, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Freedom to Move

Yesterday’s poem and today’s were both inspired by watching clips of the PS22 Chorus.(check them out here)   The charismatic teacher doesn’t keep any glory for himself but brings it out in the kids, who move freely and nail the syncopated rhythms and the harmonies and the nuances of the melody.  I was amazed by their freedom and also by what the teacher’s example taught about what’s possible.  My own freedom of movement has been a relatively new development; watching them move so naturally made me think about where such freedom comes from - that perhaps it's more natural that it be there effortlessly than that it be hard won.


No need to retreat behind your skin
to a small box that thinks without moving
some disconnected separate life within
that dreads a coming time of proving
There is no course of regimented learning
and no certificate required
The potent path of following your yearning
delivers you to where you are inspired
We each are born with full permission
to move in elemental grace
to bring our ancient essence to fruition
to fully fill our pre-established place
Each of us, by right, lives in connection
Our turning, and the world’s, bring forth perfection.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 17, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Body and mind

My body is not
the puppet of a mind
that rides eye high
in the sedan chair of its head
and steers it with its rods and strings
in jerky, awkward movement.

My mind is not a lonely recluse
staring out its eye windows
wishing it could move with grace
and interact, and know some body.

Nexus more than locus
in dynamic intersection
Nodes of pulsing energy
Swift connecting unity
No disembodied mind
No mindless body:
one being that is won
living in the One.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 16, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Resistance and Yielding

A friend taught a workshop in kinesthetics about resistance and yielding.  She helped us experience the extremes of those opposites so we could recognize them in our bodies, and then to consider a way of moving that might integrate the two.  


There is a rhythm of the tension and release
a gathering, and then a flowing
I speak of giving birth,
and many smaller things:
telling a story — giving all the words
their needed space, their needed hush
so in their turn they can pour forth
with their needed rush
and prayer — the sweet immersion
into silence, the waiting pause that builds
until the stillness is profound enough
to welcome in the Word
There is a time to hold your breath
to be a vessel where the forming hopes distill
till they well up and tumble forth
along the channels of Life’s will.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 15, 2011

Inner light

It rains, it rains
The rivulets run down
irregular but constant
and the sound
is soporific and insistent.
That crow outside
is definitely wet
This afternoon will grant no respite
So I need to think
of inner light
and two delightful people
who were suns for me today
lighting up the rooms
and spreading warmth
The glow has stayed —
A lavished layer of brightness
in the lining of my being
Soft as fur 
Warm as tended fire.

May 11, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Matthew's Beach

We’ve had very few sunny days this year, and fewer still that have been warm.  So when the temperature crested sixty-three degrees today, it seemed a time for celebration.  I biked to Matthew’s Beach and sat in the life guard’s seat, observing.

At the lake

Children’s voices ring out like
the dance of waves 
which skitter down the beach
like children leaping
plastic pails in hand
skipping back and forth
like waves
to meet the shore
(sun-catching hair flips like flags)
deep in the abandon
of sand-encrusted hands
and startling splashes.
Parents tend them
hold them in the C of their attention
Half-circled arms
in gesture of protection
as momentary sun
kisses us all.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 14, 2011

Dream Gift

For tonight, an old one:

My friend,
I’d like to take you with me on a dream
one where we have no weight
or where our legs are long as sunset shadows
and we stride down the colors
glide through the shifting sweetness of the wind
side by side
soul by soul
far away
until you step beyond the cords of weary day

I’d like to have you wake up
with that glow remaining
so that, as you walk down city streets
blue sky fills your heart.

©Wendy Mulhern
October, 1987

Friday, May 13, 2011

Lessons from Trees

A friend said to me the other day, “What if trees could only see their trunks?  That would be like us - we see such a small part of what we are, when we look at our bodies.”  Something like that.  It got me thinking, long and deeply, about what else there is of me, and how I might learn to see it.

Looking Further

Stand still and breathe
and let yourself expand
along the outer reaches of yourself
beyond your skin
The part that flies up into trees
and soars among the birds
and reaches to the feelings of another
intrepid kindness knitting souls together
You’ll find new life in moving
in the part that dances in the waves
that glint afar across the bay
You’ll kindle someones’ distant spark of hope
open in joy for having been there
to witness someone’s song-filled, fledgling flight
This is part of you 
more so than bones
more present than your pulse
The part that knows 
and guides 
and glows.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 12, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

On love: conversation with an angel

You have to give up everything
There’s no small sliver you can
smuggle in, no negotiation
of the gift
Even one small grain of will
makes you too heavy to float
One condition, one demand
one holding out for some element
of your pride, or who you
think you are
will keep you down

How is that fair?
Shouldn’t love be a balance?
A matching effort, wing for wing?
If I’m giving everything
shouldn’t he give just a little?
I could tie myself in chains of giving
He could heap on more and more demands
I could devolve into a shadow living
with all decisions in his hands . . .

Fear not, my dear
The everything you give, you give to love
The gift you give is what you gain
Your love, not his acceptance, is your prize
In love, you fly
You leave yourself behind to grasp anew
all that you always were, but never knew.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 10, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

Vignettes from the game

                                                                              (with commentary)

I think she’s playing me, he said
But what’s the game, and what’s the prize?
And have I even thought, clear eyed
Of what is is I’m after?

Deep within, beneath the game
The spring of strong desire is wound
We love the way it makes us bound
And we’re compelled to try to find 
The way to make our lives align
With all its pent up need to move.

He circles her, he seems to meditate
He dances with some others, but his eyes
Keep turning back: this time, if I approach
Will she allow me to come close?

And yet what leaps must land
Perhaps in some place wild, unplanned
And maybe many weary miles from home
And maybe, so the fear is, all alone
And torn and damaged.  Ah, so this is why
We stand alone and hesitate to play.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 9, 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Holy Church of Hands

Here in the silent space
between the songs
Here in the waves of harmony
within the chords
Here in the place you feel that you belong
you step into the holy church of hands.
It stands unmoved
sacred like trees
The holy church of all that you are
brought in, embraced
The holy church
of all we have never yet known
that waits within
a kernel that takes in and takes in,
the water that compels
all potential to expand
our hands to reach out and reach out
and intertwine
pull all into one
and fill the universe
with song.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 7, 2011

Waves like love, love like waves

Waves are like love, in that
every molecule is connected
each one is lifted in its perfect time
no one is ignored or crushed.
Each one is needed
in its moment
to embody something greater
than it could be alone
and they move as one
though each one crests the rise uniquely
and the pulse goes through them very quickly
something far away comes near
something near can still be felt afar.

Love is like waves in that
it can cover you
and change you profoundly
and you keep feeling it 
long after the first pulse
has passed.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 6, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Perils of Complaint

Beware of this - it is no siren’s call
but just a sorry chance for me to fall:

I see that there’s no comfort in complaint
no cozy nest of fellow mopers moaning
where if I’m hurt, or troubled, or in pain
I might find solace.  For they vie in groaning
Each tries to top the others’ doleful story.
No sympathy.  At best a doubtful glory.

So just because I hear somebody grumble
in mournful bid to gain my ready ear
In trying the same tactic I will stumble
and swirl on down in egocentric tears
It’s only upward looking that I gain release
Not in pity, but in elemental peace.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 5, 2011
As might be surmised, I had a tough day today.  Homework for a course I’m taking was unclear, and I ran into a technology glitch, and the course’s instructor responded, cursorily and supremely unhelpfully, to only one of my three emails asking for help and clarification.  I found myself less patient than usual with other people’s complaints.  But in the end I realized that I was gaining nothing by taking it out on them.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


How I feel these days might be like
the rising of smoke after a candle
twisting and bending over itself
strands dancing in counterpoint
moving outward, exploring.

Or it might be like
 the formation of a curl
 at the start of a a fern
 all the tightly wound fronds
 coalescing from nothing
an idea within the amorphous mass
shooting like a wind puff on a pond
sending its darts of delineation
down in spining spirals
 that will later unwind
and stretch out
as energy flows up its conduits
to kiss the light
 suffuse itself with native green
 embody life.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 3, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Interplay of light
      the image of the bank
                   in counter-swirl
           against the bend of river
       trees extending down into
     the depths of sky
         squiggled by the   
                 lightly ruffled 
                          sun dusted

        Interplay of sound
        a line of music weaving through itself
  invoking hums and sometimes claps and shouts
fundamental frequencies 
   enhance the sound waves
       send exquisite echoes through our bones.

                    Interplay of touch
              a wave begun with one
    goes through another
who sends it back 
in perfect tone and time
contact flowing 
    up along the skin
          and deep within
                  luxuriance of inner liquid waves.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 1, 2011